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One week later, Friday, 4:43pm


"Hi Mr.Payne, welcome." Liam's boss smiled as his assistant brought Liam into his office.

"Hi sir." Liam said nervously.

"What did you need to speak with me about?" He asked.

Liam swallowed, sitting down across from him.

"Um, well I spoke to my manger already and asked for Sunday off and she told me no. I insisted it was urgent but she still refused and told me to just go to you." Liam said.

"Sunday? Is it for religious purposes?" His boss asked, not even bothering to make eye contact as he kept working.

Liam blinked. "Um, no. My husband and I are taking my son to a...hospital. I need the day off so I can be there to say goodbye and make sure he's transitioned properly."

"Oh, I'm sorry. S'he sick?" His boss asked, looking at his computer now.

"Very." Liam said, looking towards the window.

Of course it was raining.

"You take off all the time you need Mr.Payne. You've been nothing but a loyal employee. I'm sorry about your son, I hope he gets better soon."

"Thanks." Liam said quietly, getting up and leaving.

After work, Liam got a text from Harry as soon as he got in the car asking him to pick up dinner.

So, Liam of course had to call him.

"Hey babe." Harry sighed.

"You okay?" Liam asked.

"Yeah just had to separate the boys." He said, sounding out of breath.

"What did he do now?" Liam asked.

"No, Louis and Niall. There was screaming and hair pulling and a lot of crying and...yeah." Harry said.

"Zayn's been fine today."

"Oh, good. What d'you want me to bring for dinner?" Liam asked, loosening his tie.

"Um, well would you mind stopping by the store or would you rather pick up fast food?" Harry asked.

"I'd really rather pick something quick up." Liam said.

"Okay hold on." Harry said.

"Does anyone object to chicken nuggets and fries?" He yelled.

Liam smiled a little, hearing their small voices as they replied.

"Three orders of chicken nuggets and fries. Get me whatever you get." He said.

"Will do. I love you." Liam said.

"I love you too." Harry said before they hung up.


On Sunday morning the rain came back.

Saturday was the only sunny day.

Both Liam and Harry's moods matched the weather.

Regardless of all that happened between Liam and Zayn, he wasn't emotionally prepared for this day.

And of course Harry wasn't.

The two looked at each other, and Liam reached over and took Harry's hand.

"This will help him." He said softly.

Little Angel [Zayn centric]Where stories live. Discover now