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Saturday, 1:48pm


"We're going to be okay." Harry said, his arms around Louis and Niall's shoulders as they stood looking down at Liam's grave.

The dirt was fresh, just like all the flowers people had left.

The three of them stood there in dark suits and ties, all of them with dark circles under their eyes.

"How hard is it to catch a murderer?" Louis asked, more angry than sad because nothing had been done and his father was dead.

"Louis." Harry warned softly.

Niall was quiet, his cheeks tear stained.

"I bet it was one of his co-workers. Maybe some psycho was jealous that he just got that promotion, or-"

"Louis I told you we're done talking about that." Harry said, giving him a look.

"Well someone needs to!" Louis snapped, getting Harry's arm off of him.

"Not you, and not now!" Harry yelled at him, startling him.

The two just stared at each other until Louis looked away, shoving his hand into his pocket to get his cigarettes as he walked off.

"It's going to rain soon. You want to go get something to eat?" Harry asked, looking at Niall.

"I'm not hungry." Niall mumbled.

"You sure? We can get whatever you want. Or I could cook. Some chili would be nice on a day like this, don't you think?" Harry asked.

"How can you be so cheerful?" Niall asked, looking at him.

Harry stood up a little straighter, feeling a raindrop hit his nose.

"I'm not cheerful at all. But I don't see any sense in being miserable. I'm heartbroken that he's gone but he wouldn't want us sulking around like this." Harry said, trying his best to be strong.

"Okay? So no more tears." He added, wiping a stray one off of Niall's cheek.

Niall pulled away, turning and walking off towards the car. 

Harry sniffed, looking back at Liam's grave one last time before he followed  Niall.


"God bless whoever thought of room service am I right?" Ed chuckled, kicked back on one of the hotel beds surrounded by food wrappers and pizza boxes.

Zayn stood looking out the window at the rain, playing with ring on his necklace.

Ed looked at him. "Zayn?"

"On Monday we need to go to the high school." He said quietly.

"Gross. Why?" Ed asked, singing next.

"To get Niall." Zayn said over his singing, continuously staring out the window.

Ed frowned a little. "Like pick him up or..."

"No, kill him." Zayn said.

"You can't kill him at the school, you know that, right?" Ed asked.

Zayn's dark gaze shifted, looking at Ed now. "Yes I can."

"In fact, that's the perfect place. I can frame someone else." Zayn realized.

"Well- how are you going to get in?" Ed asked.

"I'm sixteen. Based off of the traffic we got caught in the other day and how and crowded the bus was when Niall got off that afternoon, the school is overcrowded. How will they notice if I'm actually a student or not?" Zayn shrugged.

Little Angel [Zayn centric]Where stories live. Discover now