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Tuesday, 10:28pm


"I don't fucking get it! Why is it you?" Liam snapped the moment Harry closed the bedroom door behind them.

He'd been withholding this rage since they left the psychologists office.

"I don't know but it's nothing to be so angry about Liam, we can figure this out." Harry said, trying to calm him down.

But Liam was never easy to calm down.

"Well too late! You know I've been trying to overlook this for ages but I can't do it anymore. You don't think this hurts me, Harry? I love Zayn just as much as Louis and Niall but all he wants is to murder me! Do you realize how insane this is?"

"Yes, Liam. I have eyes ears and a brain, I'm not an idiot." Harry said sharply.

"I don't get it! What is it you do that I don't?" Liam spat.

"Cook." Harry said, folding his arms.

Liam stopped, staring at him. "Did you really just do that?"

"I'm just saying maybe he likes my cooking since I'm the only one who ever makes dinner." Harry said, deciding to at least hint towards some of the things around here that were  frustrating him too.

"Please, I made lunch once for the boys and he wouldn't touch it." Liam scoffed.

"Zayn doesn't like peanut butter." Harry said quietly.

"What kid doesn't like peanut butter?" Liam frowned.

"One of yours, Liam."

"Okay fine Zayn expert, what else should I know?" Liam asked.

"Look, just be patient with him okay? Maybe this weekend you can spend some one on one time with him if you want. I'll take Niall and Louis shopping for clothes. Both of them are growing so fast they need new clothes." Harry said.

Liam nodded, sighing. "Yeah, I like that idea. Not sure if Zayn's gonna like it, but we'll see."

Harry nodded as well. "Take him outside. We want him to get as much sunlight as possible."

"Is our son a plant now?" Liam chuckled.

"No, I'm saying he needs vitamin D. Remember what the doctor said?" Harry asked.

"Oh, right." Liam said as he remembered.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." He said, oddly feeling a little nervous.

"I'll give you the whole day Saturday." Harry said, figuring he could also take Niall and Louis to see his mother.

Liam nodded. "Sounds good." 


That Saturday, they had breakfast together as a family before the big split happened.

Harry cleared his throat. "Ready boys?" He asked, having already told Louis and Niall they were going shopping.

"I guess." Louis mumbled, not too enthused about it.

"Cheer up, you'll live." Harry said, getting up and clearing the table.

Louis and Niall left the kitchen, going to put their shoes on.

Zayn, even though he wasn't sure what was going on, got down from his chair and began to follow them.

"Um, Zayn, wait." Harry said, looking at Liam.

Zayn stopped, looking at him.

"I'm taking Louis and Niall shopping for clothes. You're going to stay here with papa." Harry said.

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