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Saturday, 5:27pm


"Louis no, your dad is right downstairs." She giggled quietly.

"So? He won't hear anything, he's watching his stupid soaps. C'mon, I have a condom. And we're in love so it's okay." He smirked, going back to kissing her neck.

He'd never gotten this far.

She was in just her bra and panties, and Louis was about to go crazy.

He'd gotten down to his boxers, and he wanted her so badly.

They'd been dating for almost seven months, and hadn't had sex yet.

Of course she didn't see anything wrong with that, but Louis was tired of waiting.

They'd been up here alone in his room for hours, and Louis hoped it stayed that way.

Niall was probably looking at porn on the internet or playing his video games so Louis knew he wouldn't be a problem.

"You're so beautiful." He said, moving her soft hair out of the way as he kissed beneath her ear.

She hummed, guiding him until their lips met.

Louis dared to touch her breast, just beginning to truly feel it when his door was pushed open.

"Dad said you have to keep your door open." Niall smirked, watching the two of them scramble away from each other out of fear that he was Harry or Liam.

Louis was eighteen, he didn't have to keep his door open.

But he also was still living here, so of course Niall was going to bother him.

He was jealous that Louis had a girlfriend and he didn't.

"Get out, metal mouth." Louis said, glaring at him at his girlfriend blushed and covered herself with his bedsheets.

"Get a job." Niall said, folding his arms.

"Mind your own business!" Louis spat, getting up and walking over to him.

As they stood there arguing, Louis' girlfriend slipped back into what little clothing she'd been wearing when she came over. 

"L-Look, I'm just going to go. I'll text you or something okay?" She asked as she quickly went by Louis and Niall, disappearing downstairs.

"Babe wait!" Louis called.

But she didn't.

"Ooh that's unfortunate." Niall smirked.

"You know what's unfortunate? How much more fucked up your teeth are going to be when I'm done punching them down your throat." Louis growled.

"Do it." Niall said, trying to hide the fact that he was scared.

Louis glared at him, knowing his fathers would freak if he really hurt Niall.

So instead he shoved him to the floor.

"Fuck you." Louis said coldly, storming off downstairs.

Niall sat up, sighing.

"What happened?" Harry asked as Louis reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Niall wouldn't leave us alone and he embarrassed her and she left and I want to kick his ass but I won't so be thankful!" Louis snapped, going into the kitchen.

Harry chuckled. "Good job Ni!" He called up to him.

"What the hell? How is that a good job?" Louis asked, stomping back in.

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