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Friday, 2:45pm


Zayn was suspended from school for ten days, and to everyone's disbelief, his teacher didn't press charges.

In fact, she didn't make a fuss about anything after that.

She quit her job, and the rumor going around was that she moved to a completely different city.

Harry and Liam felt awful, but there was nothing they could do that they weren't already doing.

"This has been fun but we need to go get Louis from school." Harry sighed, putting his crayon down.

He Zayn and Niall were at the table drawing, and luckily Zayn had been behaving all day so far.

"Yay car ride!" Niall cheered, hopping down out of his chair. "We need car snacks daddy, I want chips."

"Car snacks? You've made this a thing now?" Harry chuckled.

"Can I have chips and juice please? For the car?" Niall asked, looking up at him.

Harry smiled, rubbing the top of Niall's head. "Sure. I guess that won't spoil your appetite for dinner."

"It won't." Niall smiled.

"Okay." Harry said, walking over to the pantry.

After getting Niall's snack and juice from the fridge, he walked over to Zayn, who was still drawing.

"Zayn, we have to go." Harry said.

"Can't." Zayn said, concentrating.

Harry watched him for a moment, looking over what he was drawing.

For once, there were no people in his drawing.

Just fire.

One big multi-colored flame covering the paper.

"That looks good, Zayn. I like it." Harry commented.

Zayn paused, looking up at him. "You do?"

"Yeah, the colors go really well together. It's nice." Harry smiled.

Zayn smiled, beginning to glow with pride. "You really think so?"

"Yes, I've told you before you're a good artist. Don't act so surprised." Harry chuckled.

"But you haven't liked anything in a while. You always said it was too violent." Zayn pointed out.

"Well, I like this one. Warms me up just looking at it. Wanna put it on the fridge?" Harry asked.

"My drawing can go on the fridge?" Zayn asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course." Harry said, frowning a little.

He just then realized how many times he'd told Zayn no when he asked about putting his drawings up.

He felt like a terrible father, but usually all Zayn drew was murder happening or dead people.

"Yeah, let's put it up right now." Harry said, taking it and putting it up on the fridge, keeping it there with several magnets.

Zayn's smile grew, and he got down from his seat and walked over to the fridge, looking up at it.

"You like it?" Harry asked.

"A lot." Zayn said quietly, not taking his eyes off of it.

"Good. Well, let's go. If we're late Lou will tell us over and over." Harry said, nudging the boys out of the kitchen.

Little Angel [Zayn centric]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ