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Tuesday, 4:36pm


"What's that mean?" Dr.Addison asked, keeping calm.

"It means your family won't miss you after I kill you." Zayn explained, beginning to peel the paper off of the crayon.

"Oh, okay. Why are you going to kill me?" She asked.

He looked at her. "Because I want to."

"Why's that?"

"I want to know how it feels." Zayn said. "To be the reason someone is dead."

Dr.Addison watched him closely, feeling extremely interested in this little boy now.

In all her years she'd never had a patient so young say or do things like this.

"Cos there's no coming back when you're dead. There's no way to undo it." He explained.

"You're right. But killing is wrong, Zayn. Life is a gift, and it's a beautiful thing. Why would you want to take that away from someone?" Dr.Addison asked.

"That's what you think. I don't think it's a gift. It doesn't matter to me. Just cos other people think it matters doesn't mean I have to." Zayn said.

"I see. Why don't you think it's a gift?" She asked, getting her clipboard so she could write down her ideas and tests she wanted to perform on him later on.

"Cos it just happened. I didn't ask for it." He muttered.

"Are you saying you don't want to be alive?" She asked.

"No, I only want me and daddy to be alive." Zayn said.

"You love your daddy a lot, don't you?" Dr.Addison asked.

Zayn nodded.

"Has anyone ever come between you and your daddy?" She asked.

"Papa, and Niall, and Louis." Zayn said. "Sometimes strangers."

"Does that make you angry?"

Zayn nodded again.

"Is that why you want to kill people? Because it can't just be you and your daddy?"

"No. Sometimes I want to kill daddy too. Just cos I love him so much." Zayn smiled down at his hands as he continued to peel the paper off of the crayon.

Dr.Addison stared at him for a moment, thrown off track.

"You...want to kill your daddy because you love him?" She asked.

"Yeah. Make it special." Zayn said quietly.

"Okay." She said cautiously.

"How about this, I want you to tell me five things that make you happy."

Zayn shrugged. "Drawing. Daddy. Drawing pictures of daddy."

"Okay, that's three. Give me two more." Dr.Addison said.

"Daddy's cooking." Zayn said after he thought for a moment.

"Anything that doesn't involve daddy?" She asked, beginning to realize just how important Harry was in this case.

Zayn thought some more.

"I like being outside." He decided.

"Oh, okay. Do you like to play outside? Maybe in the sanbox at school or on the swings? Or do you prefer sports?" She asked.

"I don't play at school. I only play by myself at home or with daddy when he doesn't make me mad." Zayn told her.

"Why don't you play at school?"

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