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Thursday, 6:13am


Louis was rarely the first of the family to rise, but his bladder got him out of bed much earlier than usual.

On his way to the bathroom, he noticed something coming out from under his brother's door.

He slowly walked away from the bathroom door, and over to Zayn's.

Louis' heart started pounding as he recognized that what he saw was blood.

His first concern was Niall, so he rushed to his bedroom to see if he was okay.

He was still sleeping peacefully, his thumb in his mouth.

Louis took a deep breath, turning and going back to Zayn's room.

He avoided the mess, carefully opening the door.

Louis gasped at the sight of Zayn's room, not sure how to feel until he suddenly remembered Zayn getting the fake blood yesterday.

He then raced downstairs, eager to tell on Zayn and see what his daddies did.

"Daddy! Papa! Wake up Zayn made a mess." Louis said, busting into their bedroom and jumping on the bed.

"What? What's wrong?" Liam grunted, sitting up and blinking a few times.

Harry groaned, burying his face in his pillow.

"Zayn made a mess." Louis repeated.

"What kind of mess?" Liam asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's everywhere. Come see!" Louis said, jumping down from their bed.

Harry sighed as he sat up, him and Liam sharing a worried look.

"It's too early for this." Harry complained before dragging himself out of bed.

Liam followed, and the two went upstairs.

"Oh no." Harry said when he saw the floor outside of Zayn's room.

"What happened?" Liam asked, starting to panic.

"I bought him fake blood yesterday, remember?" Harry said before Liam had a heart attack.

Harry pushed Zayn's bedroom open, his jaw dropping at the mess.

"Oh my god." Liam said, looking around as well.

"Is he in trouble?" Louis asked eagerly, watching.

Liam and Harry ignored him, still in shock.

"Will this stain?" Liam asked, looking at the floor.

"I hope not." Harry said quietly.

Zayn rolled over and stretched, eventually sitting up and looking at them.

"Morning." He smirked.

"Zayn." Harry said in a disappointed tone, seeing the fake blood in his hair and on his face.

It was in his bed, on his hands and feet, and all over his white pajamas.

"Look at this mess." Liam said, his hands on his hips.

"It's not a mess, I like it." Zayn shrugged.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up before school." Harry said.

Harry walked Zayn to the bathroom, closing the door behind them.

"Your room can't stay like that, you know." Harry said as he turned the bath water on to warm up.

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