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Thursday, 10:45am


"Zayn's drawing bad things again!" The little girl who sat next to him called out to the teacher, pointing at his paper.

Zayn glared at her, tucking his favorite black colored pencil behind his ear so the teacher wouldn't take it.


This was the fourth time this week she told on him.

It was as if he couldn't do anything without her there to tell it.

Zayn hated her.

"Zayn, let's draw happy things, okay?" The teacher suggested, trying to take his paper away.

"No! If she doesn't like it make her go away!" He snapped, jerking it back.

"What you draw is scary." Chloe said, frowning at him.

Zayn began to get red in the face as he glared at her, not noticing the teacher taking his drawing away.

He suddenly reached over and grabbed a pair of safety scissors, trying to stab her.

Chloe screamed and scrambled out of her desk as the teacher stopped him just in time, taking the scissors away.

"Zayn get up and come with me. We're going to call your father." The teacher told him, glancing at the assistant teacher.

"Will you go ahead and have the office call him?"

The assistant teacher nodded, going over to the phone.

"Good." Zayn muttered, packing his bag.

"It wasn't okay what you did back there." The teacher said, holding him by his arm as they left the room.

"I don't care. Don't touch me." He snapped, pulling away.

"No, come here." She said sternly, grabbing his arm again so he wouldn't run.

"Let me go!" Zayn screamed, unable to get out of her grip.

"Stop it." She said quietly, walking faster.

Zayn felt more angry than ever, and he wanted her to hurt for treating him this way.

He reached behind his ear with his other hand, taking the colored pencil and stabbing it into her leg.

She shouted out in pain, letting him go and grabbing her leg.

Zayn took off running, wondering if his daddy was already in the office.

He figured he probably wasn't, so Zayn pushed his way through the front doors and started running home.

He ran as fast as his little legs would carry him, not looking back.

The further away from the school Zayn got, the more unfamiliar his surroundings looked.

Everything was so tall, and he struggled to read the street signs.

People were constantly walking by him like he was invisible, and the cars in the street were going so fast.

Zayn suddenly felt so alone and lost, so he ran faster, hoping to get away from the busy part of the city and find his home.


Meanwhile, Harry was buckling Niall into his carseat and getting ready to drive to the school.

"Where are we going daddy?" Niall asked, juice box in one hand and half of a peanut butter sandwich in the other.

"To get your brother." Harry said quietly, not in the best mood.

"Which one?" Niall asked.

"Zayn." Harry replied, backing out of the driveway.


"Eat your sandwich." Harry told him.

Niall didn't have to be told twice, taking a big bite out of it.

After driving for a while, Harry sighed heavily, telling himself to calm down.

He didn't have too much longer before he got to take Zayn back to the psychologist.

Harry honestly felt like he himself needed some medication.

He rubbed his forehead and stopped the car as they came to probably the third red light so far.

Harry's eyes wandered from the road, and he frowned at the sight of a little boy hurrying down the sidewalk.

He looked just like Zayn.

Harry squinted as the boy got closer, recognizing those eyes anywhere.

He quickly pulled the car over, rushing out and around to the sidewalk.

"Zayn, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" Harry asked, jogging up to him.

Zayn looked up, tears welling in his eyes.

"I-I got lost and I was scared. My teacher was mean to me and I w-wanted you." He cried.

Harry picked him up, surprised by the way Zayn hugged him.

"It's okay, I've got you now. But you can never leave school like that Zayn, it's very dangerous." Harry said, walking back towards the car.

"I didn't know what else to do." He sobbed.

"You could've found a teacher and asked for help." Harry said, holding him tighter.

"No, they're all dumb. They're dumb and mean. I don't ever wanna go back to school!"

"Please don't make me go, daddy." He cried, leaning back to look at Harry.

Seeing Zayn cry always messed Harry up.

"Let's calm down, okay? Let's do that first." Harry said, wiping his tears away.

"Can we go h-home?"

"Eventually. Your teacher wanted to talk to me, Zayn. I have to go talk to her." Harry said.

"Daddy no!" Zayn protested, getting even more upset.

"Hey, hey, you don't have to see her. You and Niall can play on the playground while I'm talking to her." Harry suggested.

"I don't want to. I wanna go home!" Zayn cried.

"Well I'm sorry but I have to talk to your teacher about something you did. Do you want to start explaining?" Harry asked, opening the car door.

"This girl was mean to me and said my drawing was scary so I tried to stab her." Zayn said shakily.

"Zayn that's very wrong, and violent. Remember when I told you about being the bigger person and ignoring others if they say things you don't like?" Harry asked.

"I couldn't! And the teacher took my drawing and hurt my arm taking me to the office so I put my pencil in her leg." Zayn said as Harry put him in his seat.

"You did what?"

"Put my favorite pencil in her leg so she'd let me go." Zayn replied.

"Then I left because she started screaming and I just wanted you."

Harry stared at Zayn's sad eyes, sighing.

"That was also very wrong and violent. Don't think you're not going to be punished for this." Harry warned.

Zayn frowned. "But she-"

"I don't want to hear it." Harry said, buckling him in and slamming the door shut.

Niall stared at Zayn for a while, eventually extending arm and offering his juice box.

"Want some juice?" He asked through his mouthful of sandwich.

Zayn looked at him, his arms folded tightly now.

"No." He muttered, looking away.

Little Angel [Zayn centric]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu