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Harry had stared at his bedroom wall and window long enough for it to blur into a continuous background.

He'd been in bed for ages, facing the same direction and staring blankly ahead.

He had no reason to get up anymore.

No husband to greet, no son to take to school or scrape out of bed at two in the afternoon.

No one to cook for, no one to talk to without having to pick up a phone, which he certainly wasn't going to do.

He knew he was filthy, but who did he have to clean himself for?

Harry wondered every day if it was worth it anymore.

He felt like each breath he took was a wasted effort.

Staying alive was nothing but wasted effort.

"Harry?" A familiar voice asked softly, tapping her knuckles against his now open door.

He didn't respond, knowing she'd leave eventually.

She always did.

"I brought mom this time, I'm warning you now so you can get up before she gets in here and sees you like this." Gemma said.

Harry blinked, not moving an inch.

"Harry...listen I know for the next....twenty years it'll still be too soon but you have to take care of yourself. You've been doing nothing since the night of Niall's funeral. That was almost three weeks ago." Gemma said.

"Harry please at least sit up, this is going to worry mom to death." She added, walking over and opening his curtains.

Harry squinted, sitting up enough to swing his fist and punch the nearby lamp to the floor.

"Close the fucking curtains." He growled at her.

"I gave you that lamp." She said, looking the way it had shattered.

"Close the curtains!" Harry yelled at her, making her flinch again.

"Harry you need sunlight! And food, and- a shower." She said, making a face of disgust from the smell.

"No, what I need is for you to get out of my room!"

"I'm having a flashback." Anne said from where she now stood in the doorway.

Harry huffed, falling back down into bed.

Gemma glanced at him, walking over to their mother. "Good luck." She mumbled, leaving.

Anne sighed quietly, walking over and sitting on the bed close to Harry.

"Harry we all know you're in pain. I can't tell you how much all of this has hurt me too. Seeing you this way hurts even worse. You can't let yourself go, baby. There's a reason you're still here." Anne told him, stroking his hair the way he used to enjoy, even though it was dirty and greasy.

"And what reason is that?" Harry asked flatly.

"Because you're such a wonderful person, there are more hearts on this planet left for you to touch." She told him.

"You're still needed here."

"Yeah? So were they." Harry said. "I needed them but they were taken. So do my needs not matter? Just- everyone else counts and I don't?" He asked sharply.

"No, your sister and I are here for you. The rest of the family is here for you. Harry the future is unpredictable. Don't rob yourself of something so...incredible."

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