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Monday, 6:26pm


"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." Ed huffed as he and Zayn ran away from the building and towards the fence.

Just minutes ago Zayn managed to get the gun from the guard after faking a choking spell, shooting him in the chest.

The nurses scattered out of fear, screaming for security.

"Zayn what are we gonna do when get get to the fence?" Ed asked.

"Jump it." Zayn huffed, glancing behind them and shooting at the guards that were gaining on them.

He hit one, feeling a rush as he watched him fall to the ground.

"I can't! I'm too short!" Ed panicked.

"Climb it, Ed. Your freedom depends on this." Zayn said, tucking the gun into his pants and jumping up onto the fence.

Ed jumped as well, struggling to climb.

He kept slipping, while Zayn was up and over in seconds.

He dropped onto his feet, shooting the second guard through the fence before he could grab Ed.

"Hurry up!" Zayn hissed at him.

"So loud, so loud." Ed winced, fighting his way over the top of the fence.

He fell off the other side, hitting the ground with a thud.

"C'mon." Zayn said, helping him up.

The two raced off into the woods, not slowing down until they were deep inside and felt safer.

"Can't believe that worked." Ed said as they caught their breath.

Zayn chuckled, feeling so energized and free.

"Where will we go now?" Ed asked.

"Um," Zayn began, looking around.

He hadn't thought this far along.

There was nothing around them but dense forest.

"I have no idea. This way, I guess." He shrugged, pointing in the direction they'd been running.

"Wanna get into the city and find a map or GPS or computer. Anything like that." Zayn said.

"Why?" Ed asked, following him.

"So I can find my way back home." Zayn said.

"Where do you want to go?" Zayn asked.

Ed thought about it. "Dunno. I don't really have family or any friends. I annoyed the hell out of them all."

"Well, you can come with me." Zayn said.

"Thanks. When we get into town I think we should do some dumpster diving and get some different clothes. We look like marshmallows." Ed said.

"Good idea." Zayn said, wondering why he hadn't thought about that.


After walking for what felt like hours, the two finally found a road, and began to follow it.

It was dark by the time they made it to the city, which Zayn felt was a good thing.

He didn't want to be seen.

They spent ages walking around to different businesses, looking through the dumpsters for a change of clothes.

Zayn eventually began to get frustrated, and Ed kept complaining about how his feet hurt.

Luckily, they soon stumbled upon a thrift store.

Zayn came up with a plan, having Ed start singing over the intercom to distract everyone while he stole them both a change of clothes.

His plan worked perfectly, the two of them quickly changing out in the back parking lot.

"I hope there weren't cameras." Ed said, obviously nervous.

"It's a thrift store. I doubt it." Zayn said, feeling relieved now that they were out of those uniforms.

"Okay, now we need to figure out exactly where we are and how to get back home." Zayn said as they began to walk again.

"Do you remember the name of your city?" Ed asked, singing right afterwards.

"Yeah, I remember the address too. I remember everything." Zayn said, gripping the ring on his necklace.

He couldn't wait to see his daddy again.

"Well there's a bus stop. Maybe the bus will take us there." Ed pointed, stopping.

"Nice." Zayn smiled, walking across the street.

Ed followed, humming to himself.

"So what are your plans for when you get back home?" Ed asked.

"I want to see my daddy." Zayn said automatically. "He promised me he'd cook a big meal for me when I came home."

"I want to hug him again, and smell him and hear his voice." He continued, tears in his eyes now.

Ed looked at him, remembering how Zayn used to go on about this man when they were younger.

As they got older he did it less, but Ed could still see the same amount of passion in his eyes.

The same amount of pain, and longing.

"You're still going to call him daddy?" Ed couldn't help but ask, putting the deeper feeling aside.

Zayn frowned. "Well yeah. That's who he is."

"But...don't you think you're a little old to be saying daddy?"

Zayn blinked. "I don't get what you mean."

"You're sixteen. Little kids say daddy." Ed said.

Zayn oddly felt hurt by Ed's words.

He looked away, playing with his fingers.

"I mean, just saying." Ed added quietly before he started to sing again.

Zayn lifted his hand and began to play with the ring, biting his lower lip.

"What about your brothers? Or your other dad?" Ed asked, remembering Zayn mentioning them too.

Zayn scoffed. "They're why I got locked away in the first place. If they didn't exist it could've just been me and him."

He took the gun out of the pocket of the jacket he was wearing, looking it over and feeling it.

"You know something, Ed? I promised myself ten years ago that they would pay for what they did. I made the decision then that when I got bigger I would make sure that nobody would come between me and daddy."

"Especially my other father. I know this was his idea. I remember hearing him tell daddy to put me away the night they had that big fight." Zayn said, staring down at the gun.

"If he was here I'd put this last bullet through his brain." He added with a smile.

"Really?" Ed asked.


"What about your brothers?"

"Them too. I can't count how many times daddy was too busy with them to pay attention to me. They were always in the way, especially Niall." Zayn remembered.

Ed watched him, noticing the way he smiled again.

"It's finally going to be just me and him."

Little Angel [Zayn centric]Where stories live. Discover now