About Me

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Bree'Ana's POV

My name's Bree'Ana. But to shorten it up, just call me Bre. I'm Black, Korean, Indian, Chinese, and Mexican.... So I know of. I am adopted by this family that also has 10 other kids living in the house, along with me and my twin brother, Bryson. I have dark black hair and a tattoo on the outside of my arm. Me and Prince got matching ones when I turned 18 last month.

All I know about my family is that my dad was arrested for the rest of his life because of drug selling, murders, stealing, and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff that I really don't like talking about, but it will come up later on in the story.

My best friend is Pricneton, but everyone calls him Prince. He is my everything, and I tell him everything...... Except for about my life. I don't know how I've kept the fact that I'm a foster child away from him for 18 yeras, and he never found out. I had planned on telling him alot of times, but I just couldn't. No one knows about this except for me and Bryson.

I'm SO happy that school is almost over for me..... FOREVERRRR!!!!!!! because I'm not exactly "liked" by well,,,,,, Anyone at school. Everyone hates me, an I don't know why. It just makes it even worse because my life at home AND school are both messed up.

I live right outside of this really rich neighborhood. There's like 10 streets full of nice houses, and then there's a street that comes after thatm which is mine... Right there on the end. From my street on down, it's basically the hood. It's all broke down houses, and there's always fights, murders, robbers, and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff that I can never keep up with. But I'm always home, becasue I don't know why, but I can fight. If only I knew my family, then I could figure it out. But in this neighborhood, you have to know how to survive..... Or you won't. Even the little elementary kids know all about the ghetto life... Because they are forced to live it every day of their lives.

My foster family struggles trying to provide for all of us kids, but they do the best that they can. Some nights, I don't eat dinner, and sometimes at school, I can't afford to buy lunch. I think that's why I'm so thin.

I go to a school full of kids who have really rich parents, when I don't even know my parents! I only have clothes to last me for about one week or so. And so does my brother. But sometimes, I have to wear some of my little sibling's clothes because I don't have enough. I wear some type of hat almost every day because.... Well I don't really know why. I just have gotten alot of hats over the years, and I like to wear them. And alot of times, they're good for hiding myself when people are looking at me. People tease me about it, but he's all popular, and no one even bothers to pick on him about his clothes. Then again, no one really knows the real him.

I have honestly been in love with Prince since the 8th grade when we really started to know eachother well. But no one knows except for me. Anyone I've ever liked never knew it. And if I didn't tell Pricne, then I had no one else to tell, so it's not like they would ever find out.

Okaaaayyy.... So that it pretty much all of my background. Get ready for alot more throughout the story!!!XD

How do you think her life is??? Do you think it needs more stuff in it? Less? Or is it just right??? Let me know because I love hearing from readers!!!:)

Also, the website to what Bree'Ana looks like is below. I found alot of pictures that I like for this story, and some of the girls may look different, but just think of them as the same girl even thought they're really not. Confusing? Idk. Hope you understand. Lol!


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