Back To School Shopping

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Bree'Ana's POV

Today, me and Jaylonna are going to go back to school shopping. I promised that I would take her since I didn't even get to see her go off to her first day of kindergarten.

I woke up and put on some black booty shorts and a pink crop top with a sparkly black heart in the middle of it. Then I put on my black and white jordans, grabbed my purse and phone, and went into Jay's room.

I woke Jay up and put her on some blue jean capris and a bright yellow tank-top with ruffles on the sleeves and a sparkly, pink butterfly in the middle of it.

We both ate some froot loops and then left and headed to the mall.

I let her pick out some clothes that she liked and had her try them on to make sure that they fit. And dang!!! My baby had a fattie for a little girl!!! My baby 'bout to be gettin' ALL the boys! Lol! Just kidding. No dumb little boy is 'bout to even TRY and get with my daughter! They better understand that, and believe that!!!

We continued shopping, when Jay started going all crazy and pulling on my leg.

"What is it, Jay?!" I asked, getting irritated.

"It's Jacob!!! Over there!!!" She said pointing to this adorable little light skinned boy across the aisle way in the mall with his mom.

"Who's Jacob?" I asked her.

"Only the most CUTEST boy out of both Kindergarten classes!" She told me, acting like I was supposed to know this information already.

"Whoooa! Slow down there lil' mama! Don't go thinkin' you're grown now! You can be friends with the boy, but nothing more!!!" I told her wagging my finger in her face.

"Why not?! You and Prince are." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"That's different." I said.

"How so???" She asked.

"Because it is! And don't get and attidude with me, little girl!" I said.

"Sorry, mommy. But can I go say hi?!" She asked anxiously.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go." I said and we walked over there.

"Hi, Jacob!" She said all bouncy and smiley. Aww! My baby girl is growing up!:(

"Hi Jay!" He said. He calls her Jay?! That's my nickname for her!!! I might get in a fight with a 6-year old today!!!

"Hi, you must be Jacob's mom." I said to the lady standing by Jacob.

"Yes, I am. Are you Jaylonna's sister?" She asked me. Okay, I know I'm a young mom and all, but it really stings when people ask me that question.

"Um, actually no..... I'm her mom." I told her.

"Oh!" She said shocked. "Well it looks like our kids are getting along pretty well." She said looking at them sitting on the bench talking.

"Yeah." I said lauhging. Then, I started listening to their conversation again.

"What teacher do you have?" Jacob asked Jay.

"Mrs. Thompson, you?" She asked Jacob.

"Same! We're gunna be in the same class!" He said excitedly.

"Yay!" Jay exclaimed and they hugges eachother. Jacob's mom and I just looked at eachother, both knowing good and god dang on well that we were mad they were tryin' to be some fast little kids.

"Oookay!" I said getting Jay up out of their hug. "We have to finish shopping." I told her.

"Aww! But I wanna play with Jacob!!!" She whined.

"Mommy! I wanna stay with Jay!!!' Jacob whined to his mom and we both looked at eachother.

"Do you want to get together sometime?" I asked his mom.

"Yeah sure, here, put your number in." She said and handed me her phone. I handed her mine and we exchaned numbers and gave eachother back our phones.

"Bye, Jay." Jacob said.

"Bye, Jacob!" Jay said smiling at him. Aww! Young love! I thought to myself.

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