A Day At The Beach

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Bree'Ana's POV

Okay, so today, me, Jay, Prince, Bryson, and his new girlfriend, Melanie are all going to the beach.

I woke up and took a shower and then just put on my bathrobe and went and made breakfast. I made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon, and then just put it all in the oven for whoever decided that they were hungry.

After that, I went back upstairs and started packing for the beach. I put on my black and white striped bikini top along with the bottoms that are black and white striped, but have a blue-green waist band around them. Then, I put on my white strapless sundress and continued packing. I put my flip-flops on, and put my sunglasses, and a towel into my bag.

Then, I went and woke Jay up and helped her put on her swimsuit. She has a cute little sailor girl swimsuit with the matching hat and flip-flops. I put that on her, and then got her bag that I got from justice for her that says "DANCE" on it, because I signed her up for dance lessons at the top school for little girls in Atlanta. I also put her little beach toys into her bag as well.

After that, me and her went downstairs and ate our breakfast, and just sat around until it was time to go. We were all going to ride in Prince's car.

"Bryson!!! Wake up!!!" I shouted upstairs to him.

"In a minute!!!!!" He yelled back.

"Stop screamin' before I get up outta my bed and slap the hell outta both of you!!!" Aunt Mabel shouted.

"Sorry." We both said a bit quieter.

"Mommy! She said a bad word!" Jay told me.

"You shouldn't even know what bad wors are!!!" I told her and she just giggled..... As usual.

After a while, me, Jay, and Bryson, and Melanie were all sitting in the living room waiting for Prince. Then we heard him beep the horn and we all left.

"Bye Aunt Mabel!!!" Me and Bryson shouted upstairs to her.

"Didn't I tell you to stop screamin' in this house?!" She shouted.

"Sorry." We both said and then went and got in Prince's car.

Once we got to the beach, we went and sat our stuff down underneath this umbrella table and us girls took off our dresses and the guys took off their shirts. I couldn't help but notice that Prince really did have abs!!!

"Oooh, baby! You look good!" He said looking me up and down.

"Thanks. And so do you." I said getting closer to him.

"Eh-Hem!!!" Jay said clearing her throat and raising one eyeborw.

"Oh my goodness, Jay! Go play!." I said while laughing.

"Fiiinnneeee......" She groaned. "Look mommy! Angel is here!!!" She said jumping up and down.

"Ohh, Okay! How about you go take your beach toys over there with her and play?" I asked/told her.

"Okay!" She said and picked up her beach toys and ran over there and her and Angel were playing in the sand together, then they went swimming in the lake, but only in the shallow end...... I still need to sign her up for swim lessons.

When Jay and Angel were playing, I was talking to her mom. She too, is a young mom. But she's still older than me. She had Angel around the same time I was having Jay, but she was 16.

We exchanged phone numbers and planned to get our girl together some time at McDonald's play land or Chuck-E-Cheese or something like that.

So, how did you like it??? Keep reading!!! And in the next chapter, I'm going to be skipping some months so Jay will be back in school, and so will Bre. Also, be sure to Comment and Vote!!!!:)

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