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Okay, so now, Bre (And Bryson) are both 18 and Bre is trying to find her own place since she is too old to be a foster child anymore. For right now, they are both staying with their Aunt Mabel, so Bre is able to see Jay every single day. Bre still works at Applebee's, but she also got a job at Wal-Mart, but only on some days, working the night shift.

They also just graduated from high school, and Bre, Prince, and Bryson are attending their local college just getting regular credits. Bre is taking some classes to become a nurse, someday at the hosppital.

So basically, it's summer vacation!!! Bre tries her hardest to spend every second that she can with Jay. Jay is starting to warm up to Prince and become really close to him, just like Bre wanted.

So, keep reading! And be sure to comment and vote!!!:)

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