My Past...

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Bree'Ana's POV

That night, I went up to my bedroom and just went to bed.


I woke up to my annoying alarm clock going off like it was doing it to save its life!!! Ugh! That thing is SO annoying!

I rolled over to turn it off before it woke up the girls since they didn't have to wake up for anoter hour. Luckies!!! I wish I was still a kid!

I took a quick shower and then put on some big black sweatpants and this big grey sweatshirt with me red, black, gray, and white hat with a gray puff ball on the top. My hair was just down because it's naturally straight/wavy. I wear clothes that cover me up all the time, because even though it's really hot outside, my scars from when my dad beat me will always be there.

*When she was ten years old...*

P.S. Right now, Bryson is at his Jr.'s Football practice and their mom is at work.

"Go get me a beer out of the refridgerator!!!" My dad shouted.

"But daddy, I'm doing my homework..." I whined.

"I said go get it NOW!!! Or else..." He said screaming at me with anger in his eyes.

"Could I just finish my homework first?" I asked. "I'm almost done." I said.

"I'm gettin' tired of you always wantin' to be a goody-two-shoes!!! Now go get me my damn beer before I beat the shit out of you!!!" He shouted. "And if that isn't enough, we'll have one of our little 'sessions' again before your mom gets home from work.." He said.

I sat there, beginnning to cry. He pulled his belt off and pulled my pants down and my shirt up and began beating me with his belt.

"How... Many... Times... Do... I... Have... To... Tell... You... Not... To... Make... Me... Mad?!?!?!" He shouted beating me after every single word.

I could barely speak because I was in so much pain, so I just sat there kicking, screaming, and crying.

"Oh, so you can't speak?!" He shouted and I was still crying. "Come on! Up to your bedroom! You know the routine!" He shouted and I slowly rose up from the ground. "FASTER!!!" He shouted to me and I ran upstairs to my bedroom. Every time I came up here, it would only scare me and bring back bad memories.


I was laying on my bed with no clothes on, as he slowly went in and out of me. It's not like I'm not used to this by now. He does it atleast once a week whenever my mom is gone at work. My mom is a nurse, and my dad is just some terrible man who my mom thinks is so wonderful. But if I tell her how he really is, he might kill me.

"You ready for me to speeed up baby girl?" He asked. I just sat there in silence thinking about how wrong this was. I knew I was only 10, but I know about this stuff from my sex-ed classes I had to take at school. I didn't know what I did to deserve any of this. All I knew, is that no one could ever find out about it.

He sped up going in and out of me as fast as he could. I couldn't help but just cry. This was so wrong for a grown man to be having sex with his INNOCENT 10-year old daughter. I never did anything wrong to him! WHY is my life like this?!?!?! I ran that thought through my head every day of my messed up life.

*End of past*

Now, my dad is arrested for murders, drug selling, and a whole bunch of other stuff, but nowhere on there does it say anything about him raping me. My mom never found out. She tried to provide for me and Bryson as long as she could, but she just couldn't. She had to put us up for adoption, and nowwe live here. The only people that I have that will always be here for me are Brysone and Prince. But neither one of them know about any of this.

Sooooo...... That is mostly about Bre's past. How do you like it?!?!?! Let me know in the comments or PM me. Don't be shyyy!!! I like feedback!XD

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