Crazy Couple's Night

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Author's Note: I didn't feel like dragging it all out, so Bree'Ana is now 21, has her own apartment, is working as a nurse intern at the hospital, and still wondering about what all of the stuff that Prince is doing means.

Bree'Ana's POV

O. M. GEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited for today!!! Me and some of my friends from college are going out with all of our boyfriends, and their boyfriends are Prince's friends: Roc, Ray, and Prod.

My friend Kinayah is dating Roc, My friend Arianna is dating Ray, and my friend Alicia is dating Prod. We're all going to go to the club called Cloud 9. I know, it's weird when you first think of it, but if you think reeeeaaallllllyyyy hard, it becomes a little nasty. ;)

Bryson is going to watch Jay for me when we go out tonight. I really think we're going to have a great time.


Right now, I'm at my apartment all by myself because I already took Jay to Bryson's apartment.

I layed on my bed, trying to find the energy to get up and get ready.

After a while, I did. I got up, took a shower, washed my hair, then put this moisturizer on it and put a shower cap on along with my pink fluffy bathrobe and matching house shoes.

I walked over to the sink, and put my apple cinnamon face cream on, and then went back into my room since both of them had to stay on for 10 minutes.

I walked in, to the sound of my phone buzzing in it's little iPhone 5s bumble-bee case on my bed. I picked it up and it was a text from Kinayah.

K: Heeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U excited for tonight

B: Girl, yeah! I can't wait!

K: IKR! Me neither! I'm ready to booty Roc down! Lol!!!

B: Uhh! U freak! Lol! But I'm thinkin' the same thing. ;)

K: Mmmmmhhhm! U know u want tht!

B: LoL! Ik. But I gotta finish gettin' ready. C ya later!:)

K: Kk. Bye:)


After that, I went back into the bathroom and rinsed the facial cream off of my face and rinsed the hair moisturizer out of my hair then combed it through, blowdryed it, and straightened it and pulled half of my hair back with a big diamond hair clip, leaving my side bangs out in the front.

I moisturized my leg amd arms, put my deoderant on, and then went and got dressed.

I put on a short, tight, one strapped (The strap is all flowery...... Like with black roses on it. XD), black dress with a gold flower on the strap.

Then I put on my gols hood earrings, and my black shiny heels. I got my black and gold clutch purse and stored a pair of slippers/flats in there for just incase my feet get tired.


After a while, me and Prince were ready to go, so i texted the girls, and he texted the guys, and we left.

Once we got there, it looked really cool on the outside with big words that said CLOUD 9 on the front of it.

We all walked inside, and there were drunk people everywhere!!!!! There were people twerking and dancing all over people and the guys seemed to enjoy it...... It was kinda weird. Lol!

But anyways, Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo came on and me and my friend Alicia just looked at eachother and started smiling because we both LOVE this song!!! (A/N: Jay, we gotta sing this tomorrow in band! Lol!) 

We just sat there for a while listening to the music looking like party bums. But then they started playing more music and Prince walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You know how'da dance, baby?" He asked and I turned around and smiled at him.

"It depends on who I'm dancing on." I said biting my lip and staring into his big, beautiful, brown eyes.

"Then let's see if you can when you're on me!" He said smiling and dragging me onto the dance floor.

Prince's POV

I dragged Bre onto the dance floor, and she started dancing all over me! Dnag! Mama know the moves to get a dude horny!!!

After a while, the guys and their girls all came out onto the dance floor and started dancing. After about 5 more songs, we all stopped for a break and went to go get something to 'drink'.

We all got some shots, and Bre kept on wanting more! I was surprised considering when we were 17, she was totally scared to drink any! But she was drinkin' those things like a pro!!!


"Hahaha! I see swirly lines!!!" Bre said staring at the ceiling. Yeah, she totally over did-it!!! I thought to myself.

"Bre, are you okay?" I asked her.

"Of cousre I am Thomas!!!" She said rubbing my hair. Who tf is some Thomas?!?!?!

"Umm, I'm not Thomas." I said.

"Hahaha! Like Thomas The Train!" She said starting to fall over, but I picked her up.

"Oooookay! We need to get you home!" I said dragging her over to the door.

"Now THOMAS!!! Don't go driving over the speed limit now!" She said.

"Stay right there." I said sitting her down.

I walked over and let everyone know what was going on with her, and they said they were ready to leave. But when I walked back over there, she was making out with some dude!!!!! Giving him tounge and everything! 'Da fuck?! I don't think so!!!

I walked over to where they were at, pulled her off of him, and punched him right in his face and he fell off of the chair and onto the dance floor, and everyone just stopped.

He got up and punched me back, but I tackled him onto the ground and just kept punching him in his face.

"Get him, Thomas!!! YEAH!!! Tehehe!" I heard Bre say. Wow! She's crazy!!! 

Sooooo, how'd you like it?!?!?! What else do you think Bre will do once they get home?;) Lol!!! Keep reading!:)

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