It's Now Or Never...!!!

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Prince's POV

*On The Phone*

Me: Hey, I just knocked on your door, and some little old lady answered the door, and then just shut it in my face.

Bryson: Well that's weird. I didn't hear anyone come to our house. Are you sure you're at the right one?

Me: Yeah. It's where I drop Bre off every day.

Bryson's POV

Ohhhhhhh.................... I get it!!! Bre wants to be little miss perfect, and make Prince believe that we live in a really nice house!!! Well I don't really care. I just don't want anyone at school to find out I'm adopted.

My foster mom is in the shower right now, so he can come over for just a few minutes, I guess.

Me: Oh, well out adress is 384 Cherry st.

Prince: Oh, that's only a few streets down! Okay, I'll be there in a minute.

Me: Okay.

I hung up the phone and went into Bre's room. Who is also Miranda, Emily, and Alexa's room as well. We have 4 bedrooms, and 3 of them are filled with 4 kids each. Miranda, Emily, and Alexa are three other girls that were adopted as well. They're all sisters, and they are in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade, so they're still little elementaryians.

"Hey Bre." I said.

"Hey, whacha need?" She asked.

"Prince just called. He has your phone and is on his way over." I explained.

"Over... As in.... Here?!?!?!" She asked worried.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Bryson, meet me in the living room. We need to talk." She said and I walked downstairs.

Bree'Ana's POV

"Bre, what was that about?" Alexa, the oldest asked me.

"Nothing." I said lying straight through my teeth.

"Mmmmmhmm!" Emily said crossing her arms. She's the middle one and is VERY sassy.

"It's really nothing!" I assured them.

"Well whatever it is, I hope it turns out okay." Miranda said coming over to give me a hug. She's the youngest, AND the sweetest little girl I have ever seen in my entire life!:) All three of the girls are mixed with Black, White, and Italian and they are SO, so cute!!!

I went downstairs into the living room and Bryson was sitting on the couch, so I snuck up behind him and slapped him on the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He shouted.

"For inviting Prince over here!!!" I shouted.

"Do you want your phone or not?!" He shouted.

"That's not the point!!!" I shouted. "Prince is going to find out where I really live and about my background. And if he finds out about mine, he's finding out about yours too!" I said.

"Why does it matter where you live at?" He asked.

"Look at this place, Bryson!!! We are practically living in the center of a war!!! And...... I like him." I said mumbling that last part.

"I know, but... WAIT!!! What did you say?!" He asked.

"Nothing!" I said in a high pitch voice walking over to the kitchen.

"Breeeeee!!!" He shouted following right behind me.

"Yeeessss?????" I asked him.

"Did you just say that you liked Prince?!" He asked.

"SSSSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said. "And yes! I've liked him ever since the 8th grade when we really started getting to know eachother. No one knows.......... But NOW, thanks to YOU, you do. And now he's going to find out what my life is really like and why I can't ever afford to do anything or go out anywhere." I said starting to develop tears in my eyes.

"Bre, it's gunna be okay. But you were going to have to tell him sometime!" Bryson said.

"No I wasn't!!! We're about to graduate!!! And with my good grades, I got accepted into NYU (New York University) and I could've just went there and found a job and he never would've had to find out about any of this!" I said.

"What if you guys got married?" He asked.

"Oh, please." I said looking down. "No one would ever like me." I said sadly.

"Of course they would." He assured me. "And anyone who doesn't see that you're beautiful is crazy." He said giving me a brotherly hug.

"Thanks big bro!" I said hugging him back.

"Now, I want you to tell Prince the truth.... No matter how scared you are." He demanded.

"Which truth? And since when did you become the boss of ME?!" I said standing up and doing the Jerry. (A/N: Lol! The Jerry. I need to see him do that sometime..... And only a few people know what I'm talking about.)

"First, I always have been, and always will be. I'm always gunna protect you. I know I haven't done it that well throughout our lives, but I promise you that I will from here on out. And second: You're telling him both truths!" He said.

"What?! No! It's bad enough telling him about my life! But telling him I like him?! No way!!!" I said shaking my head.

"Come ooonnnn!!!!! Please? For me?" Bryson asked making his puppy dog eyes.

"I wouldn't even do it for myself!!! As of right now, and as of forever, I must keep all of my love for him hidden." I said.

"Ugh! Fineee!" He said whining.

"Thank you." I responded

*Doorbell Rings*

"There he is. It's now or never." He said.

"I choose never." I said running away from the kitchen table, but he grabbed my arm. "Can you go get the door??? I don't want him to see me." I said.

"Yeah, sure." He said and went and opened the door.

I stayed in the kitchen so he wouldn't be able to see me, but I still listened to their conversation.

Prince's POV

I finally found their house and pulled up in the driveway. This street was COMPLETELY different from the other ones!!! I wonder if she really lives here, or if Bryson was just tricking me.......

I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

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