A Little Visit

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Bree'Ana's POV

The next morning, I woke up and took a quick shower and did all of my hygene and then got dressed in some black leggings with black combat boots and a pink PINK (The brand like at victoria's secret) sewatshirt. I'm kind of wanting to wear brighter things now, and I've been getting alot of tips from working at Applebee's.

Once I get alot of money, I'm going to take myself shopping (With Prince, of course) to pick out some new clothes to wear.

I braided my hair last night, so I un-braided it, and put on a black and pink striped hat (It's like one of those painter type hats, that kind of saggs in the back. Lol!) I got my phone off the charger, grabbed some money out of my special hiding drawer that I keep my money in, and went downstairs and just sat on the couch and waited for Prince to arrive.

Once he got there, I ran outside and got in the car with him.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey!" He replied as I was putting my seatbelt on. "Sooo..... Where are we going?" He asked backing out of the driveway.

"326 West st." I said.

"Wow! That's kind of specific." He said laughing.

"Yeah, I go here every couple of weeks to visit someone." I explained.

"And who might that 'someone' be?" He asked.

"You'll see. And it'll explain my secret that I told you about last night." I said. The radio was turned down low, but I still heard Thrift Shop through the speakers. (A/N: Lexi, if you're reading this, remember what I told you about when I was in the car?! Lol!!!) 

I turned up the radio and started singing along with the music dancing in the car and then Prince started singing too.

We pulled up to a red light, and some old lady was looking at me like I was crazy, but I just kept on jammin'.


Once we got there, I got out of the car and Prince followed right behind me. I rang the doorbell and my Great Aunt Mabel came to the door. (A/N: Great Aunt Mabel is basically kind of like Madea, so I'm going to make her say some things that Madea would say. Lol!) 

"Hi Aunt Mabel!!!" I said giving her a big hug.

"Heeeyyyyy, child!!!" She said giving me a big hug. "Oooh! Who's this fine young boy right here?" She asked staring him down.

"This is my best friend Prince." I told her.

"Oooh! He got abs?!" She asked trying to lift up his shirt and he just stood there looking scared. "Oooh! Lord jesus! The boy has abs! Haleluyer!!!" She said. ":Come on in!!!" She said motioning for us to come inside.

When I walked inside, Jaylonna came running to me.

"MOMMYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she ran into my arms.

"Hi Jay!" I said picking her up. "How have you been?" I asked giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Good." She said smiling and her two adorable cheek dimples showed along with her little baby teeth. She's 5, and still has all of her baby teeth. "Aunt Mabel took me to the carnival!" She said all happy.

"She did?!" I asked putting her down.

"Mhm. But she got in a fight with the man at the ferris wheel because he said she was too big to go on the ride, so she took the lever that controls it and beat him with it." She said laughing.

"Aunt Mabel!!!" I said laughing.

"What?!" She asked shocked. "People should know not to mess with a black woman my size!!! I am experienced in many ways!!! And the best one is knowing how to get my way!" She said crossing her arms.

"Oh my goodness!" I said laughing.

"Is that my daddy?!" Jay asked pointing to Prince. Oh my gosh!!! I thought to myself.

"Noooo, sweetie!" I said laughing. "I told you that I would tell you about that when the time is right, okay?" I told/asked her.

"Okay." She said dissapointed.

I couldn't tell her that her real dad was actually her grandpa as well!!! I got pregnant when I was 12 years old, and I will never forget the pain that it put me through. I couldn't even go to school for almost the entire 7th grade, which put me way behind.

"So how's school?" I asked her.

She's in kindergarten, and I work extra hard to give Aunt Mabel extra money to make sure that she can stay in the school that she is in right now. It's the best one in town and only the smartest kids can get it, and they said that she's advanced for her age which makes me really proud knowing that... Especially since she has neither of her real parents with her.

"It's good! I made a new friend! Her name is Angel." She told me.

"Oh! That's good! I'm going to have to meet her some time!" I said and she nodded in agreement.

"Mhm. We can have a play date together!!!" She exclaimed.

"You sure could! Find out her mom's number and then give it to me the next time we see eachother again. Okay?"

"Okay." She said smiling.

"Well, I have to go sweetie. Mommy has to work today." I told her.

"Will you be back soon???" She whined.

"I promise, I'll be back soon. And as soon as mommy can get her own house or apartment, we can live together!" I told her hoping that some day, that would actually be true.

"Yay! Okay." She said giving me a daughterly kiss.

"I'll see you later sweetie." I said walking towards the door.

"Okay, mommy." She said.

"Bye Aunt Mabel!" I said.

"Bye child! And nice to meet you, Prince." She said.

"Nice to meet you too." He said and we both walked out and got into Prince's car.

"So that's you daughter, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said shyly.

"Who's the daddy?" He asked.

"Actually, my daddy is the daddy." I said.

"Huh?!" He asked confused.

"I told you my dad raped me. Once I was like 11 pr 12, I was developed enough to have a child, and there she came." I said.

"Wow." He said. "That must've been tough. Is that why you didn't come to school for like the entire 7th grade?" He asked.

"Yeah, I told everyone I was sick, but actually, I was pregnant." I said.

"Well once you're an actual adult and get your own place and stuff, I'll be happy to help you out with Jay." He said.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Of course! I'm always gunna be right there by your side through everything." He said smiling at me.

"You're the best friend ever." I said hugging him over the seat.

"Aren't I?" He said lifting his head up high.

"Oh shut up!" I said laughing.

"Just kidding, you are too." He said smiling at me.

Soooo...... There's her secret! Hope you liked it. Be sure to comment and vote!!! REMEMBER!!! I want 100 reads!!!:) Just sayin'. Lol! The picture of Jaylonna is on the side. 

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