Incubi and Succubi

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Aye, so I apologize for my abscence once more. I took a break from Wattpad a little. But I come back an woah there are a lot of you!😂😅
my pms had some messages and i got some great comments that made me laugh and really happy.
Some of you have asked about the breed of demon Ricky, Chris, and Vanessa are. Like, where they originated from and how they act despite what the story tells, etc. Well, I've broken the main points down and I hope you all are now more informed and enjoy the story even more with the information I have researched while creating Mind Games. I originally became quite intrested in demons about a month before starting the book, Disclaimer that I am Catholic and I do stick with my beliefs I just find mythology very intriguing. Anyway, I did some reaserch and decided "Hey! these things are kinda cool and i really like motionless in white and ive been wanting to write a fanfic with Ricky in it! this is perfect!" Here are the main things you need to know of Incubas and their female counterparts: Succubus.

It is true that Incubas and Succubus prey on the men and women of our human world to stay alive. This also improves their status in their world, which is why Chris is a high ruler because he has recieved much energy from women he has preyed upon for many years. Ricky, is a Incubas who prefers to not injure the human race as "they are already vulnerable enough and their world sucks, why make it worse?" he is what their race calls 'bad hunter' and sees him as a poor representation of their world.

However, Ricky still preys on humans at times to stay alive and keep a beautiful form. Incubas can grow ugly when they do not touch a woman for at least a century( keep in mind these demons live a very long life when healthy) but if a priest or higher Incubas drains their energy from them they grow ugly and eventually die.

Being in a love relastionship with a Incubas or Succubus can result in great illness and even death for a human. And it is rare for a Incubas to marry a Succubus out of their own will/love as Incubas do not like commentments and hate their own opposite sex in their race. Succubus reign over Incubas, as females are the jewel to the crown in their world. This does not mean the males bow down always to the females though, many males despise females and even challenge them for higher power, but almost always fail.

Succubus are female Incubas, it is said that to create children with a human a Incubas must firstly be female. And yes, this means Ricky was once female before turning into a male form. A female Incubas will kill the male human they have relations with and steal his "Father Rights" as the Incubas calls them. The Succubus then turns male and has relations with it's chosen female, but most Incubas do not recall their turn to a different gender. Which is why Ricky was confused on how Vanessa became pregnant with his children.
Incubas are seen as vampires, as legend say they drink blood of humans occasionally to bring a shimmer to their beauty.

It is rare for a female Incubas to be pregnant unless she is impregnanted by a male as she is human. Incubas hate they dark, they also hate being alone and hate the cold. It is said they are as frail as rabbits and can die without human interaction.

It is also very rare for a Incubas to fall in love with a human. Most of the time, it is more of a fall in lust. Males can place spells on humans to make the human fall for them however to make the catch easier.
Ryan is a half-blood. He knows not of the lustful hunger for a woman the way a Incubas does, but knows of the strength they have and their magical talents. He has yet to find his ability.

Greg and Josh are fallen angels, Greg was cast down for having relations with a human and adopting Vanessa as his own. Vanessa's sister is Greg's biological daughter.
Josh and Ryan-Ashley's relationship was approved when Ryan passed away shortly after she and Ricky parted ways and she became an angel as well. Josh and her are not allowed marriage until she falls or until he regains his wings again.

Chris is the male ruler over the RyeLight kingdom with Ashley by his side, Ashley and him have no love for each other and he is attracted to a witch who lives in the demon world in his kingdom, the marriage of a witch and Incubas is illegal in his world. Ashley has split from the RyeLight and joined her army with Braxton's now.

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