Chapter 1-A New Adventure

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No matter how long you have travelled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around...

It was few shows of her tour left and Anka was starting to feel her nerves wearing off. If the first few months were absolutely okay, and passed like a breeze, the last few months were a complete hell to her.

She left the U.S. leg of the tour last, mostly because she wanted to comfort herself with the thought of having Jared around. Their meetings ever since they nearly got married, were rarer and rarer, mostly because Jared was wrapping up the last scenes for his upcoming movie, the biopic for Andy Warhol and he was flying back and forth from America to Europe to do promo for the Batman movie. It didn't stop there. He was going to get into another round of promo for the Harley-Joker spin off. You never knew with him nowadays where he would be or for how long. One minute he was in Paris, the next he was in Berlin and the list kept on going. The list and the crazy time differences.

Anka was struggling to keep everything together lately, mostly because Ella had chose as an opening act Fifth Harmony. What sounded as a good idea in the beginning, turned out to be a complete nightmare for Anka's personal sanity. Ella did so, because she thought it would make Anka feel more comfortable, since they all lived,more or less, in the same country and could bond over what people they knew. Plus it would be a lot better for Anka if she spent time in the company of women rather than men, mainly because, apart from her staff, and her friends, Irma and Andrea she was feeling lonely half the time.

The worst part was it was Fifth Harmony were like devils on a playground and everything was half the times a huge mess. True, they were professional when it came to interviews and shows and were very friendly off stage and with fans, but Anka was most of the time accustomed to having her own personal space.

The fact that there were arguments between them from day one didn't help her too much either. The arguments were most of the time stupid and revolved around clothes, makeup or boys. She could've easily passed on the boys since she and Jared were a couple, but the cramming of stuff in her personal space, was a nightmare.

And having to clean her personal space every five seconds wasn't her idea of a between gigs down time.

To add to that, whenever Jared came to visit the level of female hormones reached the point of explosion, making Anka feel less and less wanted. Jared had to divide his attention between the other five giggling women and her and when they finally managed to have some alone time they were too tired to talk. They just had sex like two old people and went to bed straight away. It felt as if the spark between them disappeared.

Jared knew she needed a lot more attention, but it was really hard to focus when he had five banshees following his every move. Literally his every move. It felt like even when he was eating he was being constantly watched. He couldn't even understand how him and Anka ever had sex without hearing in their ears the annoying sound of their voices.

Still they managed to laugh about everything, saying that if they survived Anka's uncertainty, her climbing the El Capitan, his weird double personality period and his cheating, and if they went past the whole secret-not-so-secret wedding crashed by the photographers, suriviving Fifth Harmony was a breeze.

Anka and Jared promised each other that they would try and spend more time together on her American leg of the tour, but so far neither kept the end of their promise. Jared was cramming everything in his schedule and she was all the time on the road.

As they arrived in Vegas Anka's first need was to throw up her guts. It wasn't the most flattering look to welcome Jared with after two weeks and a half of absence. Strands of her hair were stuck to her forehead in sweat as she leaned on one of the bunk beds, holding a small bucket in between her legs.

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