Chapter 17-And It Begins

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"I know I am in love with you because my reality is better than my dreams..."

"Shan, baby, have you seen Layla?", asked Andrea, as she was arranging Olivia's dress.

"She was out with mum and Irma in the backyard. Did I tell you that you look gorgeous in this dress? Red really suits you.", said Shannon with a wink.

"It's not red, it's burgundy and thank you my love. You look absolutely dashing yourself.", replied Andrea planting a kiss on Shannon's cheek.

Shannon looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. Him and Jared picked out their costumes together. Despite Alessandro's vehement protests, Jared had chosen not to go under his choices of fabrics and suit ideas for his wedding.

Instead of the flower, rhinestones and crazy patterns he regaled everyone with on a daily basis, he opted for the classical dark suit. The craziest thing about his outfit was the bow tie, but it only added more class to the entire attire.

Shannon opted for a deep red coat that matched Andrea's dress, pairing the suit with a pair of black pants. He gelled up his hair and added a black bow tie to the entire mix.

"Shall we head up to Jared's?", asked Shannon.

"Do you have the wedding rings with you?"

"I do indeed.", said Shannon, tapping his pocket.

"Can I see them? I wanted to ask you about them for such a long time. And you've always postponed it."

"Sure.", said Shannon pulling the box out of his pocket.

Shannon has discussed about proposing to Andrea with Anka, and he knew it would've been ideal to ask her in front of her friends and family. But he also knew that if he was going to wait for it longer he would burst. So he did what any sane person would do and simply went down on one knee right there and then.

"Andi...Uhm...I don't know how to say it...I haven't really rehearsed my head it should've been so different...will you marry me?", he asked opening the small box.

Inside of it was the biggest diamond Andrea laid her eyes on. It was a an exquisite piece incrusted on a white gold circle that sparkled in the light.

"I don't know what to say...", said Andrea gutted.

"Say 'yes'? That might be a suggestion...", giggled Shannon.

"Yes, oh god of course! Yes!", replied Andrea kneeling in front of Shannon and kissing him avidly.

Shannon slid the ring on her finger and then pulled out another box from his other pocket.

"And these are the wedding rings.", said Shannon, producing another box from his pocket.

The wedding rings Jared had chosen were extraordinarily beautiful and delicate. If his was a white, thick, gold circle with Anka's initials engraved on the inside, Anka's wedding ring was the exact opposite. Her white gold ring was filled with diamonds all around and had Jared's initials engraved on the inside. They both looked very traditional, but still modern enough to fit both their characters. They weren't much of a traditional couple anyway.

"They are stunning! Jared really went all the way with these rings."

"He had Anka's custom made. Don't even ask me how much it costed. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the price tag for it.", laughed Shannon.

"Says the man who bought me an engagement ring the size of a house. Anyway, we should be going. They are waiting for us...", said Andrea giving Shannon another kiss.

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