Chapter 2-Hello?

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Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do...

The second they landed in Los Angeles, they went to see doctor Madison Blue. Ella made Anka an appointment to her own gynecologist, mainly because she trusted her completely when it came to keeping a secret regarding her list of famous patients. She was one of them and she was very happy with how she was treated during her pregnancy.

They walked into a small clinic but both were pleasantly surprised at how nicely it was decorated. Photos of children and future mothers were hanging around the pastel painted walls, a small play area was set up in a room. Everything was clean and simply decorated in shades of pink and blue and as they were walking down the small corridor to the examination room, Jared was starting to wonder if they landed in a cotton candy factory.

A nurse asked Anka a few questions, took a blood sample from her and then gave her a white robe and a small jar to collect a sample of urine. Jared started laughing like a maniac when he saw her dressed up like that, to everyone else's delight.

"What are you laughing about you dick?", asked Anka frowning.

"Honey, I don't think we need a pregnancy test, you already have the mood you look funny in that...", he said, pointing out at her robe.

"You look funny in that...ha...ha...fucking try one of these for a change, see how it feels to have your ass hanging out of it!", she retorted.

The two stopped teasing each other the second doctor Blue came in.

"Hello Anka, hello Jared. How are you today?", greeted doctor Madison Blue with a wide smile, as she opened the folder to look at Anka's chart.

"Hello doctor...", said Anka in a weary voice.

Her warrior attitude disappeared the second the doctor walked in and was replaced by a scared version of her.

"We are fine, just curious to find out some answers.", said Jared taking Anka's hand into his.

"Well, you could've found out those answers straight away if you bought a pregnancy test.", said the doctor with a bright smile.

"I don't really believe in those things. To that adds the fact that I can't be really seen shopping for pregnancy know photographers and everything...Plus my situation is a bit more special.", started Anka.

"Special? How come?", asked the doctor, while flipping again through her chart.

"Well, where to begin? I went to a gynecologist a while ago, who told me that I couldn't conceive through the natural's not like I can't conceive at all, but not through the natural way anyway...", explained Anka.

"You've mentioned something to the nurse, right. Well, while we wait for the blood and urine results why don't you hop on the table to have a look at things? Jared, if you feel uncomfortable you can wait outside.", she said pointing to the table covered in a white piece of cloth.

"Okay...", said Jared who turned a bit pale as he saw Anka hop on the table and spread her legs out.

It was one thing to hear about stuff like that, but it was far out of his comfort zone to attend them. He was still blushing to the day, remembering the times he stuck his mother's tampons in his nose. Seeing his girlfriend's vagina poked by a doctor wasn't the most appealing girl on girl action he wanted to see.

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