Chapter 9-Let Me...

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"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it..."

Dinner was a complete success from beginning to end and everyone complimented Anka on her cooking skills. Not that she needed compliments, but still, they were welcomed.

Jared got himself overly excited regarding what he bought for the twins and ended up giving half the stuff to Terry's twins. Soon after Rex and Roman were put to bed, Jared and Anka went in the backyard and took a seat at the table. It was a hot summer night and they could hear the crickets in the distance.

"The backyard looks depressing...I don't really understand why you insisted on the idea of assembling a bench from scratch...", said Anka as she took a sip from her cup of hot chocolate.(one of her cravings, alongside a bag of cheese crisps)

Jared was set on the idea that he wanted to do something of his own in the new house they bought. He managed to convince Shannon and Tomo to come and give a hand, despite Anka's vehement protests. She had to admit they had more than enough space they didn't use, so he wanted to build something from scratch. It felt natural to him that he would start doing something in the house that was his.

In his head he was trying to compensate doing stuff around the house with the absence that would come with the upcoming movie premieres and maybe future albums. He gazed into Anka's eyes and rested his hands on her stomach.

"I'm so sorry I was a big ass lately...", sighed Anka, as she lifted her legs on his knees.

"Don't worry. I know it's the hormones talking...I haven't been much help anyway...", replied Jared, massaging her toes softly.

"You're a busy man. I know what I signed up for. Plus you've been more than helpful with everything. I can't complain.", giggled Anka.

"Well...I promise in a couple of days I will build that bench. Tomo is flying in from Denver and Shan is already in Los Angeles."

"It's know, Darla mentioned something earlier today. While you boys were in the guest room. I wanted to wait until everyone went to bed to discuss about this. And about what you said today.", started Anka.

"What did she say?", asked Jared.

"She had the craziest idea that you told Terry we are going to get married. I told her we have our hands full with everything, we didn't even think about marriage..."

"You know, that might not be the worst idea ever. I think it would be great. To try again...and get married.", said Jared softly.

"You know...I love you, I love you so much, I don't really need a paper to prove that.", continued Anka.

"But how are we gonna call the babies? Leto or Donnell? Or will we hyphen the name? Or?", asked Jared over excited.

Jared did discuss with Terry about the possibility of doing a small wedding ceremony before the children were born. He discussed the idea more extensively with his mother, but he didn't want to get everyone's hopes up.

"I'm guessing they will have your name. Leto is a beautiful name.", replied Anka, putting a spark into Jared's eyes instantly.

"So, you want to marry me? I promise this time no one will find out. We can even do it here! We have plenty of space! And..."

"And don't get too many hopes up. You have to fix the backyard. It looks like a battle zone."

"But will you marry me? Please say 'yes'. You'd make me the happiest man alive. Happier than I already am."

"I guess...I am...why not? You already imprégnantes me...If you love me like this, I hope you'll still love me when I'm going to be the size of a small country. And when you're going to have to shave my legs. Just giving you a heads up.", replied Anka with a smile.

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