Chapter 10-Normalcy

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<<Dreams are the result of a million choices, a billion failures and a few successes...>>

"So...everything seems to be going great on the baby front. Are you guys sure you don't want to know the sex of the twins?", asked doctor Blue as she took off her gloves.

"We are sure. We want it to be a surprise.", replied Jared, helping Anka clean up her stomach.

"It was a surprise for the media. Anka, I hope you're taking the vitamins. And I also took the liberty of preparing some flyers with some useful yoga classes for pregnant women. Expecting fathers can also join. From how everything looks like so far, and from what we talked before, I believe you decided to give birth naturally, right?", asked the doctor.

"Yes, I want to go through all that craziness. I want to feel everything. I also don't want an epidural or whatever because I don't believe in medication. Plus, I need a reason to pick on Jared here from time to time. A mother always needs a leverage.", laughed Anka.

The doctor looked at her with a questioning look on her face. She dealt with a lot of celebrities and future mothers and expecting couples, but by far, Jared and Anka were taking the prize for the most relaxed future parents ever.

"One thing that I want to ask you. No more travelling from the sixth month please. That means no planes or long journeys. Do you think you two can do that?",asked the doctor.

"Yes, my schedule is all cleared up so far, nothing major apart from awards season and Camp Mars and most award shows are held here in Los Angeles, so it's a breeze and Jared can do promotion on his own for a couple events, right Jay?", asked Anka standing up from the check up table.

"Yes, that's true. We are going to be extra, super careful.", replied Jared.

"Okay, then this being said, I guess we will see again  each other again in one month.", chirped the doctor happily.

Anka and Jared walked out of the doctor's office to Jared's car. Jared noticed a couple of paparazzi and waved dismissively, opening the door for Anka.

Ever since they announced Anka's pregnancy, they were headlining all around the papers and magazines. But it was the first time Jared didn't worry anymore. He had nothing to hide anymore and all the pressure was gone.

"We have to go and pick up your parents from the airport. And then I will go sort something at the Lab. And..."

"Jay, breathe, you're rambling. My parents are coming over in two weeks.", smiled Anka, putting her hand on Jared's.

"I was thinking...since we live in Los Angeles, wouldn't it be better for your parents to move here? You know it will save them a lot of time and your dad would be happy not to change two planes..."

"Buy them a house here? It sounds great, but there is a slight problem.", said Anka.

"Which one? Both your parents like me now, at least that is what they are stating so far, we live here in Los Angeles and we are gonna need all the help in the world with the kids...", started Jared.

"As nice as the idea sounds, you have to convince my parents to quit their jobs and my dad to leave his newly renovated home. You're asking too much from them. You know how they are."

"But don't they want to be close to us? The kids? I don't really understand why they still work.", stated Jared in confusion.

Anka sighed and looked at Jared. She didn't understand it either. She didn't understand why after so many years, when she made enough money for her parents to live comfortably, they were still wanting to work crazy schedule jobs for minimum wage.

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