Chapter 14-AM

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"I've never knew that I would love someone so much the way I love you..."


LETI4LETO: The SAG Awards are on now. And I've just seen Jared and Anka. She is really starting to show a lot for only one kid...How far along is she?

LizaEcheGirl: I think she around six, or six and a half months pregnant? Right? I've seen them too. She looked gorgeous. That light pink dress looked absolutely beautiful. They both did. Did you see how sweet they were on the red carpet together?

LETI4LETO: I did! Jared was so candid about the whole pregnancy thing! He said he couldn't wait to be a dad. Still he didn't say if there will be one or two baby Leto on the way.

AnkaTheQueen: I wanted to cry so bad! Anka was like a queen. She slayed the red carpet! And Jared helped her with the dress and everything. I'm so happy for them, but I cannot help to ask myself now with the baby or babies coming if they will put their careers on pause.

TheDoctor: one child is hard to take care of, let alone two. My guess is they will put their careers on hold. Either that or they will get help from their families. Jared said in an interview on Jimmy Fallon that he wants to be present as much as he can after Anka gives birth. So that means we have to wait until we get new music from both of them.

DrummerLoveShannimal: It seems reasonable. If we remember well Jared and Shannon never grew up with a dad. So it's safe to say Jared will be involved one hundred percent in fatherhood. Anyway I feel so happy for them. But we will see more of Jared at the premieres of his movies.

AnkaTheQueen: do you guys wonder if these two secretly got married? I mean...after that failed wedding did they decide to give it another try? I wish they did.

TheDoctor: it would be reasonable for them to do so. As much as it's an ongoing trend for celebrity children to have both their parents names, both Anka and Jared are very conservative. Either that or they will wait until after the baby/babies are born.

ShannonGurl: at least we have camp in a couple of days. Will she be there with him or will the Jared girls get a chance at groping that cute ass?

PrincessSparkle: highly doubt it...Jared would never allow that. By the time they even think it, they'll be out of camp before you say 'Mars'.

LETI4LETO: Jared is far too hot, but there's something regarding the whole 'dad thing' that makes you quit the unholy thoughts.

TheDoctor: I firmly believe Anka will be there. One way or another. She will most definitely return the favor to accompany him on stage and sing. I'm ninety percent sure that the emo theme was her idea. At least we don't have to do the whole tie-dye thing again.


"Good morning beautiful.", said Jared, slowly rubbing Anka's back.

"Good morning handsome.", replied Anka, turning around to face Jared.

"Did you sleep well?", asked Jared, tucking a stray hair behind Anka's ear.

"Strangely I did...maybe it's because we are finished with all the awards and ceremony season.", said Anka, putting her head on Jared's chest.

"Speak for yourself I'm not...I still have some premieres to attend...But there's another ceremony we have to be present for. In a couple of days...Well, two..."

"I know...Camp Mars..."

"And our wedding...or have you forgotten?"

"No, my parents and your mother keep on reminding me about the wedding part. And pestering me to get the dress already...I don't want another dress that will dig in my back...but I it completely reasonable that my nerves are all over the place? And that I can't decide upon things?", asked Anka as she looked into Jared's eyes.

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