Chapter 20-The One Who Needs You

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"It's not that I'm's that I'm just trying to find another path..."

Anka and Alex launched themselves in a medley of their own songs, to the delight of the audience. It was refreshing for Jared to see her enjoying herself so much. And despite her advanced pregnancy and the months she steered herself away from anything work related she still had it in her.

Yes, Anka was a natural performer, even in a wedding dress and nearly seven months pregnant. There was a lot of interaction in between her and Alex, despite it was an unplanned moment. The chemistry between them was there, making it seem to the untrained eye to be a well studied moment. At some point everyone started to interact with the artists, and even Jared was dragged in the heat of the moment, by Shannon who was giving him brotherly nudges.

No one seemed to notice the little boy that was looking around with curious and hungry eyes. Jared kept security to a minimum, mostly because he didn't want to attract attention to this event. That choice was approved by Anka. It was a private family event that and they didn't want to make it more than it actually was. If they went for a lot of security they would also have a trail of paparazzi camped in front of the gates of the complex and that would have made more than half of their guests uncomfortable.

It was the last thing they wanted after their other wedding disaster where they were assaulted by photographers. The one who noticed the little boy was Constance. He noticed him standing at the entrance of the tent and she didn't recognise him as being the child of any of the guests. She noted Shannon of his presence and signalled him to follow her.

Shannon nodded and followed her, slightly annoyed his fun was ruined mid way. But still his mother was his mother and he had to comply. No one else noticed them as they went towards the little boy.

"Hey there young man...", said Constance as she approached the young boy.

"Hello...", replied the young boy, looking scared at Constance and then at Shannon.

His clothes looked like they have seen better days and clearly whoever let him out of sight was very keen on keeping the boy very warm despite the weather.

"Are you lost sweetie?", asked Constance as she kneeled in front of the little boy.

She tried to take him by the hand, but the little boy backed off, looking like he was going to burst into tears any moment.

"Whose kid is this?", asked Shannon as he towered the two of them, trying not to draw too much attention on them.

"I don't know, but he is scared and lost and he has a note attached to his coat. He doesn't let me get close to him though...", said Constance as the little boy pulled back even more.

"Don't worry little man, no one will hurt you...", said Shannon leaning over to him.

The little boy looked at Shannon and burst into a loud sob that drew everyone's attention. The music stopped and Jared and Anka came over to check over to check what was going on.

"Hey, What's going on here? And whose kid is that?", asked Jared as he kneeled in front of him.

The little boy stopped the second he saw Jared and ran towards him, hugging his leg tightly.

"We don't know you're the first one who he came to...he is very scared...", said Constance as she looked at the little boy.

"I guess kids like you little brother. We couldn't convince him to come to any of us.", said Shannon as some of the guests were approaching the small group.

"Why don't you take mum and Anka back there while I go and talk to him somewhere quiet. Also tell everyone here something. I don't want the guests to start worrying.", said Jared as he took the infant in his arms.

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