Chapter 6-The Definition of Friendship

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<<I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you>>

Anka stared at the glass door for a couple more minutes and then decided to give Jared a call. He would know what to say in this situation. He was singing in a band. The dynamics of a band was a lot different than as it was being a solo artist. Sure there would be tensions between members of the band, but those tensions could've easily been sorted out.

"How's my beautiful lady?", he asked in a seductive tone.

"Your beautiful lady doesn't understand what just happened...", replied Anka, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Is everything okay? I knew I should've come with you today and not stay in Los Angeles! I knew it! Are the babies okay?", asked Jared concerned.

"Yes silly the babies are fine. No, it's the lads...they're breaking up...", she sighed.

"They're splitting the band?", asked Jared reminding himself who the lads were.

"Yes. I just got the's still in the project phase, but apparently they are well decided to do so...Mark is anyway...", continued Anka.

"But why? Weren't they working on their sixth album?"

"Danny got married..."

"And what does that have to do with the whole splitting of the band? Just so you know if we ever get married I'm not leaving Mars...", said Jared in a joking tone.

"Well, if you'd let me finish first and stop threatening me with your band, then you might find out. Apparently ever since Anne came in their lives it all went south from there...with everything...they argue all the time because of that...because of her...and they've decided it's best to go separate ways...", explained Anka.

"Because of a woman? Seriously? Are they mad?"

"It's the same deal as with us Jay...Anne is obviously a lot younger than Danny...and...well she kinda got him fooled...that's it...I just knew she was bad news from the beginning...I just knew it...Not that anyone ever gives a fuck about what I have to say...", sighed Anka in frustration.

"I'm guessing you want to do something about it...right?",asked Jared, sensing the hint of idea in her voice.

"You're well right. I'm not just gonna leave it like this...he doesn't even want to talk to me and we've been friends in like, forever...just to give you a heads up. If you see any article in the news trashing's not true.", replied Anka.

"Honey...some things are better left like this...if that's their decision then it's nothing you can do about it...let them handle it...if I must remember you this I's their band. You care about them, they are your friends, but it's better not to get involved into that..."

Anka knew that Jared was right. That issue that was going on between her friends was none of her business. At the end of the day it was their decision to make, their band and their careers.

She also couldn't forget Mark and Glen's faces when they were talking about the break-up. They loved music. It was the thing that fuelled them so many years. It was their punching bag, their best friend in times of need, through all the hell that they've been through in the beginning.

"I'm gonna go ask Mirka to see what fashion show there is in town. Danny said Anne and him were going to it. Just in case, we gotta go to it. I want to see her face, plus I know you like fashion shows...", said Anka quickly.

"You don't have to ask Mirka anything. I would've known if there was a fashion show, especially one in London. I would've been invited to it anyway. There isn't...Baby girl, please wait until I get to London before you do something crazy, okay?"

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