Chapter 3-News

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Build your own dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs...

As soon as Anka and Jared were back in the living room, the entire family sat down for dinner. The salad bowl was being passed from one hand to the other and everyone was talking.

"So, me and Andrea have big news.", said Shannon, catching all the attention.

"I bet you're dying to tell.", giggled Anka, while leaning her head onto Jared's shoulder.

Ever since Shannon and Andrea met he was getting harder and harder to track down. One day he would be in New York, the next in Los Angeles, taking care of the band and his business, the third in Dublin, going horse riding near the Hellfire Club.

It seemed that Shannon's bachelor days were over. He loved Layla and Olivia, he really did and the two girls both seemed very attached to him as well. They always sent photos to both Jared and Anka doing various activities, like painting, riding, visiting the zoo.

These days Shannon was more of a father figure than anyone else would've expected. It was even more of a surprise when he appeared to be a natural with it. Soon enough they were going to hear Shannon giving up his motorcycles and buying a family car. At least he had things all sorted out.

"So, me and Andrea have been together in a few months now. And we have Anka to thank for that. Thank you, for giving me the family I've never hoped for. You brought into my life a beautiful woman, and these two beautiful angels.", he said looking lovingly at the two girls.

Layla hugged him tightly, whereas Sophia went to Anka's side of the table and got up on her toes to hug her.

"Awe you guys are gonna make me cry...", said Anka, feeling her eyes water.

"Anyway don't cry just yet, because there's more. Jay, you know that BlackFuel has had its ups and downs around the years.", he started explaining.

"Mhm...", nodded Jared, showing a spoonful of vegetables in his mouth.

"Well, me and Andrea, ran up a few numbers and done some tests and we figured that, well, Ireland is a much better market for the business...I mean I have to say I didn't even imagine everyone would be so welcoming about it. Not with how welcomed Starbucks and Costa Coffee is there...And we decided, since Andrea has a space to give out in her desk we can set up a small business venue in Dublin. I can call in a few of the staff in New York for it. They aren't doing much there it would be a win-win."

"I've talked to Dylan Anka. He tasted the coffee and he loved it. He wanted to buy a good part of the stock for his restaurant. And Shannon threw in some promotional material, like cups and trays for the employees.", said Andrea beaming.

" say...", said Anka pondering.

Jared looked over at Anka and waited for her to answer. She frowned for a few moments, as if she was thinking of a great story to tell and then her frown turned into a smile. Indeed Anka was a great business woman. It was more than clear. Apart from being a musician she spent a lot of time doing stock trades with a great result in the majority of the time. She had an eye for such detail, especially regarding the coffee business, mainly because she spent the years before leaving Romania, managing businesses and restaurants.

"Fade Street Social is a great idea to promote the coffee. It's posh, it's hip, it's also select with their customers, a lot of people go there in their lunch breaks, yes, it's a great idea.", she said playing with her engagement ring.

"And the best thing is that I'm moving to Dublin with Andrea!", exclaimed Shannon happily.

"No, no you can't...whose gonna help me with the twins?! I mean you can't just move to Ireland!", burst out Jared frustrated.

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