Chapter 15-Camp Mars

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"Do I wanna know if this feeling flows both ways?"

It was the first day of Camp and by now all the campers have learned that Jared and company were staying on the camp grounds. By now a few of the more, intrusive campers, already organized a search party to find their idols.

And it wasn't looking like they were going to give that idea up anytime soon. So far, a couple of fans bumped into Andrea and Shannon a couple of times and even found out where Tomo was sleeping.

"I swear to god they get crazy by the minute. I had some girls just scream at my window like crazies. In the middle of the night.", said Tomo, as he took a sip from his coffee.

They decided to have their breakfast at the Hilton a couple of miles from Camp and it was the best decision they could make. Andrea and his wife were more than grateful for that. So far Andrea was stalked by a two crazy girls who told her to get lost. Needless to say they were immediately removed from Camp grounds.

"They're just wow...I can't honestly find the words to describe it. Pushy? No...that sounds too easy...crazy? Maybe...I've been to my fair share of gigs my brother had and it was nothing like this...", said Andrea rolling her eyes.

"They're getting pushy like this because they haven't spotted Anka and Jared yet...wait until they get to that'll think what you went through was a breeze...", said Shannon seriously.

"How can you guys manage? I honestly would've lost my marbles...", replied Andrea.

"I don't get that much attention because I was always married to this guy. They ignore me...or as I like to say, tolerate me...but whenever Shan or Jared have a girlfriend it's mental...they would literally tear them apart if that was legal...", said Tomo's wife.

"Hey, I had it light last relationship lasted quite some time...but that's because I tried to date within levels of normalcy. Like, normal jobs, no one too know...Jared...well, Jared's Jared.", replied Shannon.

"But Anka wasn't famous when they started dating. She has become famous in the last couple of years...", said Andrea.

"And now she's become one of the most recognizable faces of Hollywood. I swear to god sometimes fans have a list of things they'd like to do to the girlfriends or boyfriends of famous people...", said Shannon.

In the meantime in Camp, Jared was trying to sort out a crisis of his own.

"Fucking hell, when did it started to show so fucking bad?! It grew overnight! Look! This pair of pants is useless right now....", said Anka, pointing to a pair of oversized jogging pants.

"You're overreacting? It doesn't really show...", tried Jared.

"I can barely fit these on t-shirt is barely covering my stomach...", moaned Anka as she sat on the bed.

The first day of Camp was an overwhelming day. And the actual event didn't even start yet. She spent the entire day in the cabin sleeping, while Jared was out doing his thing. No matter how much Jared or Shannon, or even Andrea tried to convince her to come out she didn't want to.

"Baby girl, you look perfect. Don't stress too much, you can always borrow something from me..."

"Jay, you wear extra small clothes. Extra, EXTRA SMALL clothes. Don't you even compare what you're wearing to what I can fit on me right now..."

"I will go ask my mum if she can borrow you something to wear...or Shan..."

"Can I just go out in pajamas? And slippers? Am I really an attractive woman?", murmured Anka half heartedly.

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