439 13 2

● 6th ●

• S O O Y E O N •

I woke up by the ringing of my alarm. Guess what? It's our monthsary.

I stood up from lying on my bed and ran to the bathroom excitedly and prepared for this day.

I chose a casual but appropriate clothes for later. I chose a button up polo and jeans with a pair of my rubber shoes. This will be okay for later.

I went down already and found Baek, Chanyeol Oppa and Sehun at the dining table eating breakfast.

"Good morning," I greeted them happily.

"Woah. Why so cheerful today, Sooyeon?" Oppa asked.

"It's their monthsary hyung," Sehun muttered and greeted us.

"Thanks," we said and I sat beside Baek.

"Happy monthsary, michin," Baek greeted me with a smile.

"Happy monthsary too michin," I greeted back.

"Ey~ it's too early for your sweetness. Stop that," Sehun complained and Oppa just smacked his head lightly.

"Why don't you get yourself a girl so that you won't be complaining on them?" Sehun just pouted because of Oppa's scolding.

"I'm still a kid, hyung," Sehun mumbled but Oppa just scrunched up his nose.

"Kid? Do you call a 23 year old guy a kid?" Sehun just made a face on Oppa. I just giggled on their little argument at this early time.

"Yah, that's enough. We might be late for school," Baek said and the two stopped already. I started eating my breakfast or else I'll be getting another nag from this guy beside me.

As we finished eating, the two of us bid our goodbye to Oppa and Sehun because they'll be going to the other direction of the way.

We then made our way towards the school ground. Just beside our alma matter where we graduated from high school.

Suddenly, Baek took my hand and intertwined our hands. I looked at him and he noticed me too so he faced me and smiled sweetly. By that smile, I could already tell that he just want to hold my hand.

Oh. Did I already told you that I stopped writing on my beloved diary? Well now I did. Its just that, I already realized that I should stop writing there even if it held so much memories from my past life until the present.

"Gwaenchanha?" I came back to my senses when Baek snapped his fingers in front of my face after he asked. I just nodded.

"Wae?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly at me.

"You're staring at me since I held your hand a while ago."

"Maybe because I loved your face that much?"

"Of course you do," he said confidently.

"Too confident," I said and he just chuckled.

"You've fallen for me though." Full of confidence tsk tsk.

"The wind suddenly blew hard. Is it going to rain?" I joked.

"Pabo. How will it rain when it's the winter season?" I just smiled at him sheepishly and pinched his cheeks.

"Why are you so cute you michin?" I giggled while doing that.

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