Chapter 3-The Ham and Cheese Story

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"Excuse me but who the hell are you and what are you doing?!" said the tomboy mystery girl as she dug her heels into the ground.

I stopped abruptly; letting go of her arm and facing her.

"I saved you. You're welcome," I answered. She didn't seem pleased. I let out a deep breathe. Maybe she might accept a redo of us meeting. "Hi. I'm Elliot James Flinders. Wanna be friends? I sit over over there," I smiled as I pointed to the nearby table.

The tomboy mystery girl only rolled her eyes and strolled over to the table. I sat down next to her. It was quiet until I pulled out my sandwich.

"Is that ham and cheese?!" she marveled, "Wanna trade?"

In the blink of an eye, the tomboy mystery girl had pulled out a PB+J.

With a sigh and a shrug, I swapped sandwiches. I don't mind PB+J and besides, she seems to have already fallen in love with my sandwich.

She bit her lip as she smiled and tapped her foot as she stared at the sandwich.

"I love ham and cheese sandwiches," she said suddenly, "Its just me, my three brothers and my dad at home. Its pretty chaotic so I don't exactly get the luxury of thickly shredded cheddar cheese and fresh ham."

I watched as she hungrily bit into the sandwich and I couldn't help but smile. Who knew a sandwich could bring so much happiness to someone?

And three brothers and a dad, huh? I guess that explains her tomboy appearance.

The bell soon rang after that. We were about to go our separate ways when I turned around and stopped her.

"I never got your name," I stated.

"The name's Prescott. Bailey Prescott," she smiled.


The photo at the top of the page has to be one of my favourite quotes. I love sandwiches.

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