16. Confrontation

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I closed my eyes shut and did my best to pretend sleeping.

"I'm here, Severus, here."

I heard Madam Pomfrey's quick footsteps and Snape's slow ones.

"Minerva has told me..."

"Oh, yes, the poor girl is here. She'll be fine, Severus, she'll be fine. But mind you, she must stay here for a few days, she hit that ground very hard," I heard her voice approaching, along with Snape's. "Though it was foolish to do what she did in the first place."

"Surely? What happened?"

"She skipped meals, Severus, you should take care of this."

"I am sure that you are aware, Poppy, that I cannot look after every single student in my house."

"Of course, of course! But these poor sixth-years - she said she hadn't slept all night - these N.E.W.Ts aren't anything good, they only feel pressure and this is how they end up."

Madam Pomfrey has just made up an excuse for me. This was brilliant, though I should remember it was Snape who taught me Occlumency and I haven't mastered blocking my mind yet...

Snape gave somewhat of a grunt of approval and then I heard the door open again.

"Madam Pomfrey, is..."

My heart skipped a beat. It was him. What did he come here for? I fought hard with myself not to open my eyes.

"Professor," he said coldly.

"Could you leave us alone for a minute, Poppy? I daresay that perhaps mr Malfoy would be able to explain all this to me."

No way. He wasn't going to tell Snape... Or was he?

I heard Madam Pomfrey walking away and someone - he most probably - approached my bed. This started a whispered argument.

"How would you explain this?" Snape asked sternly as Madam Pomfrey's footsteps died away. I heard a gasp.

"What happened to her?" he asked, almost concerned.

"Don't play around, Draco," Snape hissed. "You know very well."

"I don't! If I did, I wouldn't be asking you!" he fumed in reply. "She hasn't been talking to me since yesterday and..."

"And why is this so?"

"This is none of your business!"

There was silence, and suddenly Snape spoke again.

"I do not care what you two are on about, but you know what happens if the Dark Lord finds out anyone who shouldn't know knew. You'd better make up with her if you still wish to be alive."

"You won't tell me what to do!" he half-shouted, half-whispered in reply.

There was another pause.

"You're speaking like a child again," Snape finally said and I heard footsteps.

Someone shouldn't know? And in this case, that someone was me...So why did he even tell me in the first place? Crabbe and Goyle did everything for him withou telling them a thing, why did he need me?

I had too many questions.

Someone sat beside me and after few seconds held my hand. Not held as if wrapping fingers between mine, but as though puting my hand on a tray. It was this warm hand and I tried hard not to give any signs of being awake. What did he do this for? What for? What for if he knew I wouldn't talk to him ever again? My heart was celebrating, my heart was jumping with happiness that he came, while my mind fought very hard with it, but seemed to be losing...

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora