62. Serves her right

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This monkey gave him Amortentia. And I knew very well where she got it from - Slughorn had some in his classroom, probably to show the sixth-years, as he did to us a year ago.

The bell was about to ring and people started leaving the Great Hall for their first lessons. Ours was Dark Arts, so Draco and I had to go to Snape.

Oh, Snape would definitely love to see him in this state.

Pansy is beyond stupid. And I'm not saying it only because I'm with Draco. It's just that we're under Voldemort's reign, a war is about to break out and her life's priority is to get Draco at all costs.

Pansy and Draco were about to leave the Hall, too, their fingers intertwined. I quickly walked up to them, trying to ignore this awful feeling in my stomach. I knew it was just a potion, but it still hurt to see it. This was when I realised I wouldn't bear looking at Draco with somebody else.

"Let go of him, Pansy," I hissed. "We have to go to Snape."

She sighed dramatically, as though she was a queen and I was her very annoying servant.

"Listen, Aurora," she spoke surprisingly calmly, still not leaving Draco's hand, "I'm not doing this to piss you off."

"Oh, that changes everything," I said sarcastically.

"I'm just getting the boy I want, what's your problem? Throw yourself on Blaise or Nott, I don't think they will turn you down."

"Damn it, Pansy, I'm being serious! We are supposed to go to Snape, now!"

"I think Draco wants to go with me, anyways," she shrugged, "right, baby?"

"Sure, baby," Draco replied. He had been looking at her all this time, not noticing me at all, then he kissed her on the cheek. I felt my eyes watering and bit my lip to stop myself from crying. It's only a potion, I told myself, get a grip.

They started walking away and I had my fists and teeth clenched. I decided to go straight to Snape, and he will sort her out. Even though he won't be happy and probably blame it all on me, because 'I'm supposed to look out for him as well' and blah, blah, blah. Fantastic.

I stormed out of the Great Hall just as the bell rang and ran towards the Headmaster's office. I said the password which Slughorn had given me earlier - Dumbledore. It was quite smart of Sanpe to have it as the password since nobody would even suspect it. Especially after he killed him.

I knocked, he let me in and immediately noticed I was alone.

"Where is Draco?" Snape asked in his usual cold voice, eyeing me suspiciously as though trying to see through me.

"Well, there is a problem, Professor," I replied, closing the wooden door behind me, speaking calmly. "I think Draco is under the Love Potion. I tried to drag him here, but it's impossible."

"Love Potion?" Snape repeated, intrigued, his lips curling. "Who administered it to him?"

"Pansy Parkinson, sir. I mean, it's her whom he's addicted to now."

Snape examined me for a moment, then muttered something I couldn't catch. Seconds later, a house-elf appeared in the office. It had big brown eyes and looked very similar to Cepheus.

"Call Professor Slughorn here, immediately," commanded Snape harshly.

The elf just bowed and disappeared as quickly as it turned up. Snape looked back at me.

"What potion was it? The one those Weasleys sell?"

"No, it was Amortentia, sir. We smelled different scents, but when I realised it, it was too late."

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang