23. You haven't told her...

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"And what is that supposed to mean, Severus?!" Madam Pomfrey shouted again.

Draco looked at his bedside table. Indeed, there was an enchanted coin he used to communicate with Rosmerta, and she sent a message saying Dumbledore had left as well.

Snape realised what mayhem he had caused and calmed down.

"I wanted to inform Miss Mullen and Mr Malfoy that they shall wait for the night to come before they do what they're supposed to do. Miss Mullen, you should go back to the dormitory already."

"Yes, Professor," I said before Madam Pomfrey could investigate the case any further. I ran to Snape without any other word and he closed the hospital wing's door.

"Inform them," he commanded and I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. I ran after Snape to his office, then used his Floo network to get to the Malfoy Manor. Both Narcissa and Bellatrix were thrilled to see me, but there was no time for explaining.

"Dumbledore - gone - out of school," I panted. "Gather the Death Eaters and come after twilight to Borgin and Burkes. I was supposed to tell you that," I was breathing heavily.

Bellatrix looked as though Christmas came early.

"Excellent! We inform everyone at once!" and she Disapparated on the spot.

"I must go back," I explained to Narcissa and went back to the fireplace. Next thing I knew, I was back in Snape's office, but he wasn't there. Merlin knew what he was doing.

I started to climb the stairs to reach the Room of Requirement, where I'd be waiting for twilight - and where the Death Eaters would come.

It seemed eternity before it happened, but finally I felt my coin changing its size. Draco sent me a message ordering me to let them in - it meant he was ready and he managed to sneak out of the hospital wing.

We knew what to do since we had discussed it billions of times, so I climbed into the Cabinet.

There was a little pop. I opened the door of the Cabinet and found myself inside Borgin and Burkes', with an ocean of black cloaks in front of me, Bellatrix in the lead.

"Dumbledore's away. Everything's ready. Draco's waiting for you," I panted and left the Cabinet.

"Who is this?" came a strong voice of someone, and as the figure moved forwards to stand next to Bellatrix, I recognised the person as Amycus Carrow.

"Oh, shut up, Carrow!" she snapped. "This is our Dracon's girl... And my piece of work, mind you," she said, patting me on the cheek, then she added to me in a whisper, "You should be proud of what Draco has done tonight."

I just nodded and didn't waste time to explain we weren't together. Bellatrix entered the Cabinet first and the others were following.

"See you later, Cissy!" she shouted and vanished. I turned my head and saw a hooded figure at the other end of the shop - it was Narcissa. I walked up to her and noticed she was shivering.
I said hello, but she merely nodded.

"Grab my arm, Aurora," she said under her breath.

"No," I replied, "I'm coming back. I can't leave him there. Snape's waiting for me, too."

Narcissa let her tears stream down her face. She bit her lip and grabbed my hand.

"Thank you, Aurora, thank you... But promise me he will come back alive, promise me!"

I knew she was in total despair and probably didn't know what she was saying. I couldn't refuse.

"I - I promise," I said and pulled my hand free, then stepped into the Cabinet and teleported myself back to Hogwarts quickly.

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now