45. Sister, huh?

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His words shocked me.

I didn't feel quite comfortable, since one part of me wanted to shout at him and the other wanted to hug him back. So I just ended up standing there, not making a move, not saying anything.

He let go of me and I finally found some words to say.

"Let's talk tomorrow. I'm exhausted," I tried to sound at least a bit mad, but he seemed untouched.

"No, listen to me now," he said definitely, almost angrily. "I've been thinking about what you said."

"And?" I rasped, being already quite exasparated. I might add we were still standing in a dark room.

"I will make it up to you."

"Wow," I said mockingly and crossed my arms. "Wow. And what made you change your decision so suddenly?"

"You're like a sister to me and that's why..."

"Wait, wait, hold on," I interrupted him, now feeling way more astonished than angry, "did I hear right? I am like a sister to you?"

"Is that a bad thing?" he said pretentiously and I felt as though somebody had stabbed my heart.

"Excuse me?" I said, but realised it would lead to nothing. This time, I was really close to tears. "No, you know what, let's just talk tomorrow," I added quickly, unwilling to continue.

How ironic. I had wanted to make myself cry to persuade him, now I had it for free.

"I don't understand your point," he said and left the room as another pain hit me square in the chest.

I sat on the bed and hid my face in my hands. Did it mean somebody as dumb as Pansy was right all along? We just have a brother-sister relationship?

Helping each other, supporting each other, hugs, not-so-serious arguments - alright, it was all that siblings usually do.

But there was one thing, one puzzle that didn't match it all: he kissed me.

And why on Earth he did that? This isn't something siblings do.

I don't understand him at all.

I was lying on the bed and staring into the darkness, thinking hard.

Another thing that didn't match popped into my mind. Why did Blaise bother him so much? I sincerely doubt it was because he was scared he wasn't a good match for me, like a brother would be. He said he bothered him for the same reason Pansy bothered me - well, certainly not because she wasn't a good match for him.

I'm waiting for him to tell Bellatrix he treats me only like a sister. I'd love to see it.

Does he think that everything I did for him was because I treat him like a brother? Does he seriously think that?

I think I was allowed to cry. Not every day the guy you love tells you you're like a sister to him.

So the long wait for a confession from one of us was finished. He told me how he feels, so I don't think I need to tell him how I feel; I'd only embarrass myself. Everything is said and done.

Lies, lies, lies. That's all we've been living on.

Angry and frustrated, I opened the door of the balcony and inhaled some of the fresh night air. Then, without hesitating, I Disapparated to the first place that came up to my mind - and it was Muggle London. I remembered to Disapparate somewhere where people wouldn't be and fortunately I knew such places.

It was late, but the city was nowhere near being asleep, especially because it was summer - and Friday. People were practically everywhere, most of them wearing party clothes.

I walked a short distance from where I Apparated to the bunk of Thames and looked across the river to see a Muggle cathedral. I sighed. I didn't even know how much I needed a break from all that mayhem - and I knew that in London nobody would ask me what or why.

"Very well, brother," I said to the water, hearing somebody yell in a foreign language a short distance behind me. "I'll show you what a good sister I am."
Can I show off that the pic I attached is mine? 😂

There's nothing more beautiful than London at night ❤

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