73. Lucius' return (again)

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"I didn't come to torture you, magic doesn't even work here," I told her calmly, slowly walking up to her in order not to scare her, but she didn't even budge.

"Hey, I know you. You're Draco Malfoy's girlfriend," she said almost happily and I froze with my mouth agape. How did she know? Or, should I ask, why was she so calm? I could be a murderer for all she knew.

"You look surprised, isn't it true? I don't remember your name, but this is how everyone referred to you at school."

Her words shocked me so much I barely regained my voice. I decided not to investigate this any further and focus on what I really wanted to say to her.

"I'm Aurora," I told her, "and you're Luna Lovegood, right?"

She nodded vigorously and smiled. When I was about to start wondering why she was happy about it, she gave me the answer.

"Oh, you didn't even call me Loony," her smile widened and she was weirding me out more and more with every second. "So why are you here? You're not a prisoner, are you?" she asked suddenly.

"No, I'm here secretly, actually," I lied, but this was part of the plan, wasn't it?

"Secretly? Why?" she asked curiously.

"I came to the Manor yesterday and I was waiting for Bellatrix to leave so I could come here. You have to know I'm not here to harm you," I assured her, but I don't think she needed that at all. "You know, I... I've been there when Dumbledore was murdered and when they tried to catch Potter after that. I've seen enough of this world to realise it's not the one I want to live in, but I can't do anything in front of Draco or his parents or Bellatrix, you understand..."

She was listening to me curiously and this was when I decided that I shouldn't be surprised by her actions anymore.

"What does it have to do with me?" she asked eventually.

"Well, you may know where Potter is," I dropped the bomb, absent-mindedly forming my hands into fists.

"I have no idea," she said at once in a dreamy voice. "I told them I didn't know, but they wouldn't believe me."

I cursed mentally. Did I ask her too soon? But she didn't seem like the type to be lying, she was already so comfortable and calm around me...

I bit my lip, shivering a bit. The coldness of the cellar was really starting to bother me and I couldn't imagine spending so much time there. She must've been exhausted and sick.

"It's a pity, because I would try to help him somehow if you knew. Anyways, is there anything I can get you?" I asked to keep her believing that I was there only to help.

"I'm fine," she said happily, as though she was staying in a luxurious hotel, not a dark cellar, "but he isn't feeling well," she added with a sad face, indicating the wall on my left.

"He?" I raised my eyebrows. I wouldn't be surprised if she had an imaginary friend, though... She seemed like this kind of person...

"Mr. Ollivander. He's just behind this wall," she indicated it again. "He's been looking very sick since they brought me here."

I gasped. So they imprisoned Ollivander? The wandmaker? But what for? I knew they kept Lovegood hostage, but him? He was just an old man who couldn't do any harm or give them any benefits... Or could he?

Realising Draco might be able to give me answers, I wasted no time.

"I'll see what I can do for him. I have to go now, before Bellatrix may come back..." I said, anxiously glancing at the door to make it more believable, then started walking towards it.

"Thank you," Lovegood said suddenly and I turned my head to stare at her. Lost for words, I just nodded and quickly left the cellar, then rushed to my room. That conversation has completely weirded me out.

"You went there, didn't you?" came Draco's prententious voice the momen I stepped into my room. He was sitting in one of the armchairs and looked quite angry. I ignored his question and asked my own.

"Did you know who is down there in the cellar?" I said as he walked up to me.

This must have caught him a bit off guard as his eyebrows shot upwards.

"Well, that Lovegood girl, right?"

"Yes, but there is also Ollivander!"

"This old geezer? Why would he be there?" he said in surprise and I shrugged.

"I thought you would tell me."

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then shook his head, his expression changing from surprised to concerned.

"It doesn't matter for now. We have a bigger problem."

I felt a very unpleasant feeling in my stomach when he said that. I swallowed hard and looked at him anxiously.

"What is it?" I asked, even though I didn't really want to know the answer.

"My father came back," he replied after a moment of hesitation.

"Oh," I felt a bit relieved this piece of news wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, "so it means I have to get out of here, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous," he said immediately and grabbed my hand - I think he did it unconsciously - then added, "you don't."

"Draco, I know this manor is huge, but I can't avoid your father for eternity, you know?" I told him, feeling how he tightened the grip on my hand, as though afraid that I might run away.

"Don't you think he has already found out that you're here? Don't you know Bellatrix well enough?" he said at once. "Besides, the thing which worries me is that..." and he didn't finish, because the door behind me burst open, revealing nobody else than Lucius himself.

Draco let go of my hand abruptly as though it was on fire, staring anxiously over my shoulder. I turned towards his father.

"Oh, I see you're here again, Aurora," said Lucius in such a cold voice that could compete with the temperature in the cellar. His expression was very unpleasant to look at.

I really wanted to reply with something sarcastic, but I knew it wasn't exactly the best moment, so I just remained silent.

Lucius' eyes wandered from me to Draco behind me and he looked even more stern, if that's possible.

"We have to talk, Draco. Follow me," he said in an orderly fashion.

My heart sank as I turned to Draco with fear on my face. He just shook his head slightly.

"Yes, father," he muttered with his eyes focused on the ground and followed Lucius out of the room.

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