A bad feeling

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I felt the blindfold being taken off, my hands were already in a fist getting ready to hit. When He took the blindfold off I was ready to swing,but he was faster than me. He took my hands and pinned them above me. " Oh Luna. You know I wouldn't be doing this for no reason, so I'll warn you now. Change you schedule and leave the class, or better yet leave this school. My brothers and I don't need another person to ruin our chances of debuting. We suffered a lot just to have someone get chosen ahead of us."

What was with this guy,it's not like I made the schedule myself, why did I have to leave the class that could make my dreams come true all for this guy. All my feelings from this morning have changed. My schedule is not going to be changed and I WILL show Kris that just because he told me too that doesn't mean I'll listen to him.

"Are you done?" I asked bitterly.

Kris laughed,"Not even close." Before I realized anything his lips were on mine.I stood frozen, my mind went completely blank. He skimmed his nose down my neck.I pushed him off me, what the hell just happened.

Ding! The elevator doors opened. Kris backed further away and held his arm out to the door," I think this is your stop," He said while smiling.

"It is, but I'm just here to say hi to my friend. I gave it a thought over the past.. Oh I don't...minute,and I won't be changing my schedule," I said while smiling. When I walked past him to get out his face told me everything.You made the wrong choice. But I didn't care, he wasn't about to be the reason why I would give up.

I turned around to watch the elevator door close. Ha! Did he really think I would do anything he says,,especially what he just did to me?He has a whole nother thing coming.

I turned the right hallway leading to the front office, a conversation with Ms.Kwon will make me feel better. I could already see her face when I was half way up the hallway.

"Hey,Ms.Kwon," I said when I reached the front office.

"Hey, sweetie.How was your first period?"

"Better than most," I grumbled.

Ms.Kwon looked up,"I knew here was going to be a problem being added to that class. Listen, if one of the boys are acting like a jerks it's because they've been through a lot. Kris was the one bothering you right?"

I was surprised she knew,"Yeah,how'd you know?"

"He's always the one. Last year all twelve were set to debut, but a newbie came in and took the attention from them. When the school started noticing the newbie more they pushed back their debut and debuted the new guy instead. Kris is like the leader of those guys, he takes care of them whenever there's a problem, but I'm surprised Kris is actually picking on a girl. I guess him being the bad boy of the group didn't change at all," Ms.Kwon shook her head.

"Oh, I didn't know that's why he acts like that towards people."

"Luna I said I Believe in you. Go to your second period, but tomorrow go back in there and show them that your not as weak as you look."

I smiled. I knew talking to her would cheer me up. "Okay, I won't disappoint you," I said

"I highly doubt you ever will', Ms.Kwon said before I left.

I stepped out the elevator and looked at my schedule again, Home Ec. Room 204.

The room was just passed the music room. When I entered the room I saw Victoria on the phone,"No I haven't seen her yet, are you guys sure.." Then she looked up. "Oh my gosh she's here, thank goodness. Okay don't worry we'll meet you guys at lunch."

She ran towards me," Luna are you okay? Did something come up? Why didn't you meet us outside the music room?"She asked.

" I'm so sorry, it's just something came up and I had to take care of it. I didn't mean to leave you guys."

Victoria looked relieved," It's okay we were just really worried you got lost or something.Come on you can be my partner for this assignment."

"Okay what are we doing?"

" I don't know, Mrs.Yoon just told us to find a partner. I'm so happy you're here, I really do not enjoy working with these other students they don't seem to take this class seriously enough," She sighed.

Mrs.Yoon came in clapping to get our attention," Okay class I'll explain this assignment but first why don't we welcome our new student Luna Park."

Everyone turned around and said "Hello." I smiled back in response.

"Today we will be doing the family part in this class. You each will be given a doll and that doll will be your baby,"She exclaimed.

I noticed Victoria seemed really happy with this project.She turned around and whispered," This is what I've been waiting for. I've always wanting to see what it'll feel like to take care of a baby, of course it's a doll but that's okay."

She did seem like the parent type.

Mrs.Yoon clapped her hands as if she was about to deliver amazing news, " But the thing is you will not be paired up with anyone from this class."

Everyone looked around in confusion.

She laughed before she continued," You will be paired with someone from a different class. Team Dragon to be exact."

Some of the students let out huge sighs and started complaining.

"Now I know that the Dragon team has some troublemakers but we are Team Gazelle, known for our patience and beauty. We don't have to worry about these guys I made sure their teacher tell them to behave themselves. So you guys don't have to worry."

Troublemakers? Why did I have a bad feeling about this assignment?

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