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It's been two weeks since Kris and Luna got back together and they couldn't be any happier. Of course there were times where Kris would unintentionally go back to his bad boy ways, but they got through it. Just like they got through everything else.

The two were determined to make up for the six years that they spent apart and what better way to do that then to go on a date? But of course the date had to be past midnight where no one was out on the streets of Seoul and when no one could recognize Luna. Yeah, Kris still complained about how hard it was to be the boyfriend of an idol but of course he shut right up when Luna would give him one of her sweet smiles.

While Kris and Luna were always in their own little bubble, they failed to notice Myungji and SeHuns progressing relationship. The only one who seemed to notice their secret glances and when they would hold hands under the table was LuHan. He was jealous of how Kris and Sehun already has girlfriends when he was older then them. Sulli and Chanyeol would always try to set him up with one of their friends but it was either he was too pretty or a little too idiotic, it could've been both.

Chanyeol never let Sulli go anywhere without him because Amber convinced him that if he didn't they would grow apart and eventually they would split. But Amber was only getting revenge for when Chanyeol spilled the beans on her little, okay maybe more then a little, crush on Henry. He didn't see what was wrong because every since then Henry treated Amber like his princess even though they weren't officially dating.

Victoria never looked happier then the day her and her now boyfriend Zhoumi announced that they were dating. Although their fandom was a little shocked they were happy that Victoria was able to tell them herself instead of having some news reporter publicize their relationship. Whenever they would be at a concert there would be a good amount of signs with ZhouToria written on it. The fans especially went wild when they had a special stage together and Zhoumi kissed her hand. As those fan girls would say "The ship has sailed."

Krystal was a whole different story. No one knew about her on going relationship with now CNBlue drummer Minhyuk. Remember the one from 6 years ago? The one she said was her friend who's father was the president of a game making company? Yeah, him. Apparently Krystal convinced him to debut as an idol so they could always cheer each other on while on stage. The more surprising thing was that they have been together for three years now. Whenever she was gone everyone thought she was busy with her schedules.

No one knew about them until the day Luna and Kris went to Music Core to cheer on Infinite.

* Music Core *

Zhoumi and Victoria were on stage announcing Infinite's comeback at the same time Luna and Kris were backstage walking around. Luna was showing Kris around the broadcast station, the two looked like they were on a nice walk. Some of the girls backstage would blush when Kris would hug her, then when he turned around they would give Luna a thumbs up. Luna laughed her melodic laugh when she saw them. Her favorite reaction had to be her two best friends, IU and Jiyeon. While the other idols would blush those two would freak out as if a zombie apocalypse would happen.

While they turned the corner to the dressing room they were not ready for what they were about to witness. When they looked ahead they saw a familiar female figure being embraced by a male body.

"Krystal!?" Luna exclaimed when she saw her face.

Upon hearing her name Krystal automatically pushed the male away from her and tried to make it look like she was 'casually' standing by a mike stand.

"It's a bit to late for that Soojung," the male said turning around. Luna gasped in surprise when she saw that it was Minhyuk.

"Uh..unnie..I was..he was," Krystal sputtered and Luna could tell she was going to make some kind of lie, so she held her hand up to stop Krystal before she could continue.

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