Who died and made you leader?

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Kris pulled me away when everyone was watching Chanyeol run to find Sulli. He took me down a dark hallway that no one used. The hallway was like a maze, we turned several dark corners before we stopped at the last hallway. He let go of my arm and paced around before he looked at me and smiled," I just realized this but your very pretty," he said.

This guys really didn't know when to stop. I just smiled," Oh I know, it's not like your the first one to say that," I lied. No one has ever called me pretty, partly because I never put much effort into trying to look decent and partly because I had no confidence what so ever,but that was about to change. Kris looked at me and I knew that he knew I was lying.

I decided to stop lying to him, since he was trying to help me." Haha, just kidding. You're the only person to ever say that," I said while pretending to laugh. His eyes looked apologetic and I turned away from him. The last thing I need right now is for anyone to feel pity towards me.

I sighed. Nothing like the feeling of having the school bad boy feel sorry towards you.

" So what did you want to talk about Kris?" I asked so we could quickly get over this.

" Well, it's about Music Choice. The auditions are next month so we are going to start practicing next week on Monday. Whatever plan you have on that day you'll have to cancel."

Okay, so who died and made him leader? But I couldn't argue as long as he was helping me and he knew what to do then I'm putting my complete trust in him. Maybe that isn't the best choice but I had to be able to get to stardom.

" Whatever you say captain, but let me tell you something. You're not my leader or boss so next time try asking me about these things," I said," but since you made this decision by yourself I'll be picking the song."

Kris looked at me in disbelief," You're kidding right? If I let you pick the song we could end up being eliminated because the judges got bored."

I rolled my eyes," Look Kris I'm picking the song. You don't have to worry about the song I pick. I'm more musically inclined then you are so I know what people want." I said confidently.

Kris looked at me and smiled," You're better than I thought."

He suddenly moved up closer to me and started looking me up and down. I backed up in an instant only to realize there was a wall behind me. He smiled and moved in so close he breathing down on me. Kris towered over me and you could tell, I was only five feet and four inches and he was six feet and two inches. Just his height made me embarrassed. He brought his lips to my forehead, I could feel his breathe which smelt of cotton candy. It was a very sweet smell and it smelt good in enough that I was now leaning in on him. I stopped when I realized what I was doing.

My face went pink and I started to walk away in embarrassment but Kris pulled me back. I was against the wall and he was looking down at me.

" It seems very late, maybe we should get back before we're late for third period," I quickly make up an excuse.

Kris smirked at me then nodded," We should shouldn't we?"

Before he let me go he bent his head and came down to kiss my neck.

" Luna you should get to class, don't want to keep your friends waiting right?" Kris chuckled.

I walked as fast as I could and when I was out of the hallway, I could already see the rest of the girls. When they saw me they smiled.

Krystal came running and starting throwing questions at me," What did he say? What did he do? What did you both do?"

I held my hand up to calm her. " Before I listen and answer any of your questions, you have to answer my question."

" Of course, Luna ask us anything," Amber insisted.

" Why were you guys so quick to let Kris talk to me?" I asked.

The three of them looked at each other then Victoria said," Well Krystal since it was mostly you, you should tell her."

Krystal threw her a death glare then looked at me and smiled like she was innocent. " Look Luna, Kris isn't the labeled the Bad Boy for nothing." She explained.

Amber spoke up," Yeah, if he doesn't get what he wants then he'll torture those who kept him from getting it. Okay we admit we were scared stiff when he came to our table,but it's not like he would've hurt you or anything."

" And you know that because...?" I asked her.

" Well your here right?" Amber said while shrugging her shoulders.

I stared at them wondering if they were actually serious. But they were right, Kris didn't do anything and for some reason I felt I could trust him not to cross the line.

A whole two hours passed in third and fourth period, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon when my first day was over. Third and Fourth period was hilarious. Krystal got in an argument with a student named Jay about English. They were both from the states so they took pride in their English. Then in Fourth period Amber decided to take the science teachers pet frog out and set it on another students desk, as soon as the student saw it she screamed and ran out of the classroom leaving Amber laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Krystal and I were tired when when we got to our dorm. Although school ended at five we went out to the mall close to the school, we ended up buying new blazers and glow in the dark socks.

Krystal was on the bed already half asleep, but I wanted to ask her something.

" Hey Krystal,is Sulli okay?"

Krystal was practically mumbling everything," Oh don't worry about her. She and Chanyeol solved their little problem. They can now live happily ever after." She said before dozing off.

Well as long as Sulli was okay.

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