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Backfire - luna exo kris fxluna exokris fexo -

At the corner of my eyes, I see Sulli and Chanyeol. Sulli's eyes were open and looked worried but Chanyeol looked amused. I quickly pushed Kris away from me but that just made him grab my waist and pull me closer to him. Chanyeol and Sulli walked up to us while I was still trying to make Kris let go of me, but he refused to let go. Chanyeol smiled when he saw this.

" He's not giving you hard time is he Luna?" Chanyeol asked. Sulli gave him a hit on the shoulder and told him to quit playing. He automatically stopped. Then it was Sulli's turn to talk.

" So Luna, your hear for the extra classes right?" She asked. I could tell she was trying to distract Kris. I was so thankful for her.

" Uhm... Yeah. I was just wondering around to see the classrooms. I thought maybe I could start next weekend," When I said that Kris looked at me. I looked at Sulli avoiding his stare.

Then Sulli snapped her fingers," Oh yeah! You remember that assignment we had to do for Mr.Park? The one about how we had to write a seven page essay on why or why not the school should consider ranking the more talented on top and have them trained more separately?" I looked at Luna and I could see a look in her eyes.

" Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. I guess we should get started on it since it's due Monday," I said while trying to turn away from Kris, who was now looking at Chanyeol as if to see if it's true. Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders.

Sulli then turned Chanyeol and gave him a peck on the cheek," We really need to finish this assignment. I call you later okay?" Chanyeol sighed but nodded. Sulli grabbed my hand and dragged me to the elevator. When we entered the elevator she didn't press the room for our dorm but for the front office.

" Where are we going?" I asked her.

" Amber and Victoria wanted us to go shopping with them, Krystal will be joining us later," She explained.

I turned to her," Thank you Sulli for rescuing me from that awkward situation."

She laughed," Oh no probs. I saw how surprised when Kris kissed you, and I didn't want you to get anymore uncomfortable. I can't believe Kris kissed you! I mean like, right there, in the hallway! I thought he'd be more smart and make his move somewhere more secretive. Should've guessed he wasn't that smart."

I couldn't help but laugh too. When we reached downstairs in the front office I waved to Ms.Kwon before Sulli and I exited. When we got outside there was already a black car waiting for us. There were also four bodyguards surrounding it, I looked at Sulli to see if she was seriously thinking about riding that car.

She shrugged her shoulders," My dad won't let me go anywhere without those guys, he worries too much." She said as we walked up to the car. The bodyguard opened our door and we went in.

" Sulli what exactly does your parents do?" I asked out of curiosity. She giggled before she answered my question.

" I'm sorry, I know these guys may make you feel uncomfortable but I hope you'll learn to get used to it. My dad's the president of the Conglomeration company, JangDo. My fathers share is mostly hotels and cars and my moms shares are clothing lines and home appliances," she said like it was nothing. I stared at her in awe, wow. " So you're like heir throne.. I mean heir to your parents company?" I asked. She nodded, I turned away still dumbstruck. Hmm, I wonder what it feels like to be the daughter of a rich person. My parents weren't rich but we weren't broke, mom was a housewife. Dad made enough money that mom didn't have work. He was a lawyer and he won every case he had.

When we reached outside a small café and saw Victoria and Amber. " I thought we were going shopping," I said.

" We are but m guessing you haven't had breakfast yet right?" Sulli asked

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