It happens

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Kris pulled away from the kiss and smiled,"Just wait, when I come back there will be more," he said with a smirk. I felt my face being heated, and my cheeks were red.

While Kris was in the bathroom, I took the time to call Krystal.

"OMG LUNA WHERE ARE YOU?!" Krystal asked when she picked up.

I let out a laugh,"Uhm.... Something came up and I won't be at the dorm today, I'll be with my parents," I felt bad for lying, but I didn't want them to know that I'm with his house.

Krystal let out a sigh of relief,"Alright, I just wanted to know you were safe. Vic wouldn't stop bothering me about calling you. I knew you wouldn't be in danger but you know how Vic is."

"Yeah,well I got to go. I'll call you back tomorrow," I said.

"Alright, good-night. Don't get raped and stay away from strangers," Krystal said.

"Gee,thanks Krystal. Good-night girl," I said before I hung up. I walked around his house and my favorite room was the kitchen. There was a chandelier hanging above the mahogany table. It had a warm feeling to it. I kept walking around, just looking at things when I heard Kris's phone ring. I took it out of his jacket pocket, then contemplated if I should answer or not. When I saw the caller I.D I didn't know if I was surprised,disappointed, or just plain sad. The caller I.D read "Girlfriend 1" so I was guessing he had more then one girlfriend and I probably was one of them. I shook my head, not wanting to believe it. Something came up inside me and I was answering the call.

"Hello Kris?" The female voice asked frantically.

I didn't say anything.

"Kris, please come over. Remember what you said three days ago?" She said.

Three days ago? The day Kris wasn't at school, the day his "sister" picked up his phone.

"Kris?" The voice asked.

"Luna!!" I heard Kris yell from behind. I looked up to see Kris's face filled with anger. Who was I trying to kid? Kris was a bad boy. I couldn't change him. Standing up, I walked over to Kris and handed him his phone. Kris pulled it out of my hand.

"Who said you could touch my phone?" Kris bellowed.

I ignored him and headed for the front door.

When I reached the door, Kris was blocking my way.

"Move," I said without looking at him.

"Luna, it's not what you think. Let me explain," he said.

I pushed him out of my way then made my way out the door. Kris followed behind me trying to stop me.

"Luna, can you stop for one damn second!?" He shouted.

My footsteps stopped, then I turned around.

"Can you make this fast? I have to ask Sulli to come pick me up," I said.

He walked towards but stayed a few feet away,"Luna, that girl. I don't know who she is I swear," he said while looking at me.

I laughed a meaningless laugh,"You're really good at bullshitting, you know that?"I said with a stain voice.

He grabbed my face in between in hands,"Look Luna, this girl she's been texting me ever since three days ago. I don't know who she is. She was just a stranger I met at the train station, she asked me if she could use my phone, not wanting to be rude I gave it to her. I think she deliberately put her phone number in there. Please Luna you've got to believe me."he begged.

"Then what was she talking about saying that you told her something three days ago?"I asked.

"I didn't tell her anything. The only thing I said was that if she needed something while on the same train she could ask me, but she took it the wrong way. She's been bothering me for the past few days,but I swear I didn't mean anything," he said.

I looked up at him then sighed,"Okay, I believe you. I'm calling Sulli to come get me," I say as I pull my phone out. Kris quickly snatched my phone away from me.

"Kris hand it over." I say

"No," he replied.

"Eff You!" I shout. Not wanting to say the real word.

"What do you think I've been trying to get you to do?" He said while smiling.

I coughed, then turned away,"I was going to buy a new phone anyway," I said.

Before I could move any further Kris grabbed me by my waist then picked me up over his shoulder.

"Kris I swear if..." I was cut of by the sound of Kris's laugh.

"Luna, you didn't think I would have actually let you go so easily, did you?" He asked.

I felt like screaming my head off.

"What the heck?" I shouted.

Kris only laughed.

I started pounding my fist on his back telling him to let me go. Then I felt him throw me down on his bed, he walked over to his door then locked it.


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