Trust Him

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For the last three days I haven't seen Kris. What happened back at my house now seemed as if it was a dream. On Sunday I went to the extra classes with Sungjong,which were hard but I knew the classes would help my vocals. When the boys left their room I only saw eleven, Kris wasn't there.. Maybe he was trying to avoid me. He probably regrets actually getting close to me.

When the fourth day came and he still wasn't here, so I decided that I didn't care. Kris could be out clubbing for all I care.

I walked to the lunchroom and saw the girls, Chanyeol wasn't with Sulli this time. "Hey Luna!" Amber exclaimed. They all looked up and greeted me.

"Wassup you guys. How have you guys been?" I asked.

Krystal groaned," I have a freaking history due next month and a science project due next week. Uggh the struggle!!" She complains. We all laughed at her complaints.

"Well,anyone else want to share something?" I asked. Victoria giggling. Then Amber sat up and told us to lean in,"Okay, so I had a dream last night that one of the twelve, Kai, got raped by the principle," We all burst out laughing and Krystal's face was red. After we quieted down Amber continued,"So after that happened Kai called me because I was his lawyer. So there was this huge case at school. But when I showed up, they wouldn't let me in because only students were allowed to enter. He ended up losing the case, so when he came outside and saw he started saying all this crap as if he was casting a spell on me. But I was like " Boy Bye" then walked out like a boss." Amber said.

We stared at her in pure amazement, then we burst out laughing, then we heard a cough come from behind us. When I turned around, there was Tao behind me.

He smile awkwardly and turned to me. " I'm sorry for bothering you guys but may I talk to Luna for a second?" Tao asked.

Now what? I thought. Amber coughed to break the silence but Victoria was the one to say something," Uhm Tao, can we ask why you want to talk to Luna?"

"Oh I just I have a message to her," he said, obviously intimated by Vic.

"Oh well if that's it then I'm okay with you talking to her, but it's Luna's choice that's important." Vic said.

I really didn't feel like talking to them, but as long as it wasn't Kris.

We went outside the cafeteria, but when we were passing the students I overheard some girls talk about Kris.

"I heard he hasn't been here because he's been hanging around his girlfriend," said one.

"Really? I heard he's been sleeping with all these girls," exclaimed another.


Kris leaned in towards me.

"If I were you I'd listen to your mom and get to know me better."

He's right, I should have gotten to know him better before I ended up trusting him. I felt like crawling back in bed after hearing all this. My stomach started to ache and I was feeling a little dizzy. I hope Tao makes this fast.

I looked up at Tao and he handed me a piece of paper with my name written on it in black ink."Kris told me to give this to you in private. I'm sorry I dragged you away from lunch today," he apologized.

"It's okay Tao, it's not your fault Kris couldn't come here to me give me this."

Tao laughed shyly," He also asked me to apologized for him. Sorry he couldn't make it to practice on Monday."

I laughed with no feeling, first he demands that practice be on Monday, then he misses out on first practice. What an ass, I thought to myself. I looked through the windows and the boys were looking. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Well I better get going, the girls must be wondering what happened. Thanks by the way," I said.

"No problem Luna," he said.

I sat back with girls, who were now talking about Music Choice auditions.

"So since Kris wasn't there on Monday, what did you do?" Krystal asked.

"Nothing I just worked on my vocals with the trainer and hung out with Sungjong after." I answered.

"Oh on Saturday why don't we go to the club?" Suggested Victoria," My boyfriend can get us in."

"You have a boyfriend?? Since when??" I asked.

They all laughed. "Since two years ago,"said Sulli.

"I'm up for the club how about you guys?"I asked.

We all agreed to meet outside the school on Saturday and planned to cover up our outfits so the school official wouldn't know where we were going.

I went to my dorm early after classes. The rest of the girls were planning what to wear on Sarurday in Ambers dorm. I sat up and opened the letter Tao gave to me. On it was written in neat cursive, "Sorry Luna", was all it said.


I let out a deep sigh,I shouldn't be mad. Get over it Luna.

I was about to throw away the letter, when I saw a number written in the back. Is this his phone number? Well, I should call so I can hear his voice, I mean yell at him for not showing up for practice.

I dialed the number, but something inside me told me to hang up. Before I could hang up the other line picked up but it wasn't Kris's voice it was a females.

"Hello is this Kris's phone?" I asked.

"Yeah, who is this?" She asked bitterly.

"Oh, I'm Kris's classmate. Could you just tell him that....that..that I found a partner for Music Choice already, so he doesn't need to bother coming to practice anymore." I said

"Oh alright haha you should have said something,' She said more happily.

Then I heard Kris start shouting at her,"WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE MY PHONE." He bellowed.

"Well..." She seemed to scared to answer.

I heard him grab the phone and yell at her to get out of his room. So she's at his house?

"Hello?"he asked angrily.

"Oh, sorry." I barely whispered.

There was a long pause before he answered,"Luna?" He asked.

I immediately hung up.

I walked down the hall to Ambers dorm, to ask if they want to go shopping for new outfits. When walking down the hallway. I saw Chanyeol getting out of the elevator.

"Hey Chanyeol," I greeted. He smiled when he saw me.

"Thank goodness you're here!Do you know where Sulli is?" He asked.

"Yeah, she with Amber. I'm about to see her, do want to come?" I asked.

He shook his head,"Could you just tell her I need to talk to her?"

"Of course," I said.

"Luna?" He called when I was halfway down the hallway. I turned around to see his eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He looked around awkwardly then said,"Trust Kris okay? He may seem a bit off sometimes but when he says something, he means it,"he said.

"Oh. Uhm okay. Do you know why he isn't here?" I asked.

"Yeah I do know but Kris should be the one to tell you what's going on," He smiled apologetically.

I nodded then turned around heading to Ambers dorm.

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