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I looked around everywhere, hoping she wasn't hiding somewhere. I thought back to what I heard Sulli say," You guys are obviously not serious about this stuff," something about that made me mad.

It was last Summer when Sulli and I had started going out. By the end of the Summer she and I were sealed, we loved each other and didn't want to separate. I promised her that I would never leave her, but that was before my parents told me I had to leave her behind. They wanted me to leave because she was part of the Choi family. Her fathers business was doing way better then my fathers. They had more sponsors than we did, their stocks were going up each hour.My family was difficult, they didn't care weither I was happy or not. They wanted me to study hard and take over the company when they've grown to tired. I wasn't a son to them, I was their replacement. Sulli's family always treasured her, they didn't want anything but her to be happy. She was the youngest of three children, the older two were guys. Her brothers didn't want me anywhere near her after I broke up with her.

Even if my parents didn't want me going out with her, they couldn't stop me from caring.

When I turned to the longest hallway I could see her through the windows of the library. Her head was down and her eyes were closed. I opened the door making sure not to make a sound. I sat on the chair next to her, she was asleep. She was still just as beautiful as she was last time I saw her six days ago in the dance hall,practicing. Although we're in the same school she always avoided me,and she was very good at it. I slowly reached my hand out and touched her face," You know I didn't mean to hurt you right?" I silently asked as my fingers traced her face, then I stopped at her lips." You really are the only person I care about besides my twelve brothers." My hand automatically moved away when I felt her move. I let out a sigh.

I stood up to leave, atleast I know she's safe.

When I pushed in the chair, I looked at Sulli. Her eyes were open and had new tears in them.

"If you cared about me then why did you leave me?" Sulli asked. Her voice was now raspy.

She heard me. I was half regretful that she had to hear me. But I was also relieved that she knows how I feel.

She sat straight up then looked at me." Chanyeol." She said simply.

It was the first time I heard her say my voice after the break up. I felt my lips curl up into a smile," Atleast you remember my name," I said.

She looked down and did something I never saw her do. She completely let out all her anger and started screaming. Lucky for us it was lunch and all the teachers were in the cafeteria.

"PARK CHANYEOL, DO KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS NOT TO LEAVE THIS SCHOOL AFTER I FOUND OUT YOU ALSO WENT HERE? YOU ALWAYS JUST HAVE TO SHOW YOUR FACE EVERYWHERE. BUT HONESTLY IM HAPPY ABOUT THAT. I MISS YOU EVERYDAY, SO ITS HARD FOR ME TO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU," she stopped after she realized what she said. I looked in her eyes. She missed me, she still had feelings for me,and she just admit it. It wasn't just me.

I reached for her arm and pulled her into my arms. My hands automatically pulled her head to my shoulders, if she wanted to cry I wanted her to know that I'm the only one allowed to offer my shoulders to her. She still smelt of strawberries.I closed my eyes and took in the smell I've been missing. I felt her arm circle around my waist. Sulli was back in my arms and there is nothing in the world that will take me away from her. And I will make sure there will be nothing that will take her away from me.

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