The Truth

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"Well girls it's time for us to head out," Luna said trying to sound nicer then she wanted to be. All she wanted was to spend this day with her members and visit the school that brought them this fame. But no, Kris really couldn't let that happen could he? He can do whatever he wants but she was leaving.

When she said this Sulli was the first one to leave. Making sure she wouldn't come in contact with Chanyeol she easily avoided him by not looking at him and moving at a quick pace. Chanyeol had a hard time not pulling Sulli into his arms.

Luna turned to Tao before leaving,"Remember Tao. You have to ask to your hyungs before you can come to Inkigayo, okay? I don't want you coming by yourself."

Tao pouted,"Why? I don't need them!" He whined.

SeHun scoffed,"Yeah right you can't even go to the shower by yourself," he said causing the others to laugh.

"Shut up," Tao said glaring at him.

"You can have Xiumin Oppa come with you," Luna turned to the boazi hyung."Do you think you can do that?" She asked.

Xiumin nodded, Luna was always good to him so he wanted to do her a little favor.

"Of course, I don't blame you for not wanting this kid to go by himself," he chuckled.

"Actually I can do better by myself. I mean what exactly can you guys do that I can't?" Tao said confidently.

"He's so conceited," Baekhyun said.

"So she has a friend?" Kris asked Chanyeol when they reached their hotel room.

Chanyeol nodded,"I think it's that boy she always used to hang out with during Home Ec. He's supposed to be debuting this year and Luna's planning on going to their showcase."

"Oh okay. How many members are there?"

"I think about seven."

"What company?"


"Are they good looking?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Kris walked away not knowing what to say.

"The heck if he's jealous then he should just say so!" Chanyeol said under his breathe.

SeHun came running in their room out of breathe.

"What the heck happened to you?" Chanyeol asked.

"Shut up. Where's Kris hyung?" SeHun asked.

"I don't know. In the kitchen?"

SeHun ran out and headed straight to the kitchen.

"KRIS HYUNG!" He shouted running.

"Jeez. Am I not cool to be around?" Chanyeol asked himself.

"What is it SeHun?" Kris said uninterested.

Seeing the look on his face SeHun stopped. He looked over to see what Kris was doing and he saw that Kris was watching one of Luna's interviews. SeHun rolled his eyes.

"Well since your not interested. I guess it doesn't matter that I met with MyungJi today." SeHun said walking off.

Kris immediately stood up and grabbed the maknaes arm.

"'Wait MyungJi? As in Luna's sister?" Kris asked.

"Yeah. You know, the younger sister of the girl you left years ago?" SeHun asked sarcastically. Kris let go of his arm then looked at SeHun with amused eyes. No one ever got mad at SeHun, well except Tao. But he doesn't even count since those two are always fighting but always end up siding with each other when the guys get into arguments.

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