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Kris walked in the elevator and closed the doors, while I kept my head down. I felt the elevator being stopped and I looked up to see Kris pressing the "Stop All" button. What the heck was he doing?

He walked over to my side and didn't say anything, then I felt a hand reach for my face. My face began to feel numb from his hold. I reached up to move his hand but he wouldn't budge. I chose to ignore him, to show him that I couldn't care less about what he did. But it hurt so much I could feel my eyes start to water.

"Luna," he said in an irritated voice. I didn't say anything.

"Luna, your annoying me right now." He said. If I was annoying him then I won't talk to him. I felt he his hand squeeze my face even tighter. That's when I lost it all. My tears came out, but I still didn't look at him.

"Kris, please let go," I said.

"Not until you tell me why you lied to me, and why you dragged Sulli into this mess with you." He said.

"Look, it's non of your business as to why I am shopping. And I didn't drag Sulli into anything. So I'd appreciate it if you would just let go and LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed the last sentence. I bit his hand and pushed him off. I pressed the start button. He grabbed me by my waist and planted his lips on mine. I stood there not knowing how to react. His hands held my face and kissed my lips harder. It took me awhile to realize that he wanted me to respond to him. Before I knew it I was kissing him back. His lips when down to my throat. Then his kissing started to get slower. Then he stopped at the base of my throat. Then he looked back up and looked me in the eyes.

"Luna, why did you lie to me?" He asked.

When I was looking in his eyes I realized I couldn't lie to him. His eyes told me that he didn't like people lying to him and I felt I couldn't lie to him. I let out a sigh.

"Okay, we lied because Sulli knew I felt uncomfortable when you kissed me. So, she helped me out of it. But we were going to leave anyway, she just made the process faster," I tried reasoning with him.

He looked at me,"Luna, if your going somewhere then tell me. I don't care if you want to be with your friends but don't lie to me ever. And I beg you to please never say that your not my business, I already told you that your mine. There's nothing that you can do to make me not care. You're now my responsibility." Kris stroked his hand across my face before wiping the tear that was now rolling down my cheek.

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