Snow day

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Yesterday was a snow day for us. The only reason I wanted to go to school was to play a new song called the Tempest in band.
About the second time the band played it, I was the only trumpet player —other than the band-aid that was in there (Mom) —that we playing the course. Just our section was playing it because our director would go from section to section to have us play it. I started turning red when I first started playing because everyone was staring at me. Then, I started turning redder because I knew my face was turning red. Then, I started running out of air, so I was turning super red.
I was so proud of myself though, because I made it all the way through. Anyways, the Tempest is an awesome song. I'm gonna see if I can get a video link. I'm sorry if it doesn't work, or if it's the wrong video. If it is, let me know. It wouldn't let me view it.

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