Chapter 39: Contradicting Feelings

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Luke's voice blasted through the telephone line. He was screaming. "Since when were you friendly with Lewis? I thought I was your boyfriend. I thought that you were meant to be spending time with me. I guess you've made it clear that you don't care! Thanks Alice, that really make me feel great!" I had to put the phone away from my ear he was yelling so loud.

I was utterly shocked as to what he was accusing me of. Did he really think that I wasn't trying to make time for him. I mean I am allowed to have other guy friends, I have plenty that I meet up with in New York. He really needs to get a grip.

"Luke, I know what you are trying to do and I know what you want me to say. You want me to be the good girl that everybody knows I am. You want me to put your needs in front of my own. You want me to please you, like every other person in my life. Is that right?"

He paused. "Well if you say it like that, I guess there is some truth."

"You are trying to get me to do what you want." I question him.

"I am trying to make sure we spend time together."

"Bullshit." I heard him gasp over the phone. That was the first time he had ever heard me swear. I guess revealing the secret, revealed a whole new part of me that was waiting to be released.

"Alice, I can tell that you are upset maybe we should talk when you have calmed down."

"No Luke! I am completely calm. And you need to hear this."

"What do I need to hear? That you have been flirting with Lewis. That you have been secretly seeing other boys behind my back. If that's the case, then no! I do not want to hear a thing!"

"Luke!" I screamed. "For once in your life shut up." He remained silent, allowing me to continue. "I need you to stop."

"Stop? Stop what?"

"Stop trying to make a big deal out of everything. Every little thing I do you jump to a conclusion. If it were me being busy with Lewis, to me doing a photoshoot with thirty guys, you need to trust me! I thought we were past this. I mean for all you know Lewis and I would of had to do a group project."

He took a deep breath. At least that told me that he had taken in what I had just said. "I'm sorry. I never notice when I become like that. I just want the best for you."

"You want the best for me? That's funny, because all you have seemed to do when you are around me, is make me seem as if I am unapproachable. As if I am not allowed to hang around anybody else unless you are around. I know being a little paranoid at first and being a little overprotective is normal."

"See." He tried to argue.

"But you just take it to far. I need you to know that. I am not going to continue living my life, trying to keep you happy but not talking to other people."

"I know. I'll change. I'll make sure that this never happens again. Just give me one more chance and I'll prove to you that I can be better. I want to be better. Please Alice, I'm sorr-"

"No Luke! Do not say that. Last time we went through this, you said exactly the same thing. Saying you'll change, that you'll be better, but where have all the changes happened, I haven't noticed one thing. I feel like you just like me being your girlfriend for bragging rights. Saying you date a world class model." I paused. "So tell me Luke. Tell me what you are going to do, to make it up to me."

"I...I..." He stuttered. "I need time."

"No Luke, you need to learn how to change. Unless you can prove to me that you trust, really trust me, then I guess our friendship is over. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. Until you can make it up to me, do not come back into my life."

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