Sealed With a Diss

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"Go around the cones Johnson, not through the cones!" Coach screams at me, grabbing at his hair in frustration.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I shout back at him. He glares at me, and I can literally see the steem flowing out of his ears and into the air.

"Don't sass me!" He fires back, and I hear chuckles erupt from behind me. I let a lopsided grin slide across my face.

"Sorry Coach," I say, full on grinning now. I take a glance at the guys and they are all laughing at me.

I just give the closest one a shove, which makes him go tumbling into the others. I chuckle while I hear the guys complain and rub their backs in pain.

I jog up front to the cones, and begin the sprints. Blue to yellow line, blue to white line, blue to purple line, and so on. It goes like this until we finally reach the other side of the field.

Suicides, oh joy.

After redoing a round of 5 suicides, 3 back to backs, and another 6 laps around the field, we were good to go.

"Nice job today Johnson," West comments, ruffling my hair. I grumble some curse words, glaring at him.

"Hey!" I call out. I punch him lightly in the arm, "Do you, like, even know how hard it is to get my hair this perfect? I mean, it took me, like, ten minutes to make sure there was no bump! Like, ermahgad!" I complain sarcastically in an overly dramatic, high - pitched feminine voice.

"Yeah? Well it only took me five minutes, so beat that!" West mimics, earning a chuckle from me.

"Oh shut up," I say in between laughs.

I make my day way through the of freshmen, wave hello to sophomores and juniors, and finally settle in with my seniors. I get into line with Chase, Aidan, Nathan, and Will.

"Johnson! What are you doing tonight after practice?" Justin asks me. He comes up around me and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Nothing really. Probably my AP Government summer project. It depends, what did you have in mind?" I ask him, raising an eye brow at him.

"Burger King?" He offers, giving me a wink.

"Nah, something that involves steak," I tell him.

"Joe's?" Justin asks and I pat him on the back.

"There we go. Good thinking," I compliment.

"Why thank you, thank you very much," Justin imitates in an Elvis Presley voice.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. What a comedian you are," I mock flatly, "See you in a few," I yell at them before entering into the girls locker room.

"Bye Johnson!" They chorus behind me.


Johnson, ah, what a glorious nickname.

Well, that's my name, don't wear it out.

Anywho, you might be wondering what the deal was with me practicing with the guys. If you're curious, I'm more on the guy side of the food chain than the girls. Actually, I'm sort of in between. I play for the boys Varsity soccer team because our school is too broke and sexist to actually have a girls Varsity team.

It happens that I'm the only girl on the team because, well, all the other girls in my school are losers and can't get over the fact that soccer can be co-Ed.

So I'm not really like most girl but hey, who cares? I still get to play soccer.


Tell me what you think.

- nerd

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