Opening Day and A Surprise

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Harry and Draco woke up eager for the day. It was opening day, and they still had some things to get ready. Harry dressed himself in blue jeans, a lavender tee shirt, and some brown work boots. Draco wore something a little more fancy, and had on black slacks, and a tight button up tee shirt, where the collar was red, the torso was white, and the sleeves were navy blue. He paired the outfit with black leather ankle boots, and a gold buckle belt. Harry tied his hair up into his normal bun, and Draco curled him. The two's outfits really fit their personalities, and they looked good together. Draco woke up Teddy, and got him dressed in black pants, and a light green shirt.

Harry headed down to the kitchen, and quickly cooked breakfast. When Draco brought Teddy downstairs, they all ate together. Harry took breaks between his bites to feed Teddy a bite of scrambled eggs. Once breakfast was done, Harry kissed Draco and Teddy goodbye, and headed to the floo.

"I'm gonna go help Hermione with the sign. Come to the store when you can. We have two hours until it opens, and I bet there's going to be people waiting for it to open." Harry told Draco. He then entered the floo, and made his way to Hermione's home.

"Hermione! I'm here!" Harry called. Hermione's mother pocked her head out to the living room.

"Oh hello Harry. Long time no see. What's up?" She asked casually.

"Hello Mrs. Granger. I'm just here to help Hermione bring in my sign for my store. We're doing our opening today, so we'll need it." Harry explained.

"I'll be there in a second!" They heard Hermione yell.

"Jesus. 17 years old, and you already have a business. The Wizarding world moves so fast. Well anyways, best of luck. I've got to keep an eye on the bacon so it doesn't burn." Mrs. Granger finished. She went back to the kitchen to finish cooking. Hermione walked downstairs, while floating the giant covered sign down with her. Harry got out of her way, and let her place the sign in the floo. Harry lifted the sheet to take a peek at the sign, and then covered it up.

"It looks marvelous. Thank you so much Hermione." Harry thanked her. He hugged her with gratitude. She hugged him back.

"Anything. I know this is important to you and Draco, so I couldn't say no. Plus it was making it. I charmed it so it wouldn't age." She told her. The two carefully squeezed into the floo, and flooed to the store.

When they got there, they dusted the soot off, and carried the sign down the two flights of stairs. Harry made sure to lock the third floor door.

They walked outside, and saw a couple of people standing around in front of the shop, and even a couple of reporters. The two ignored them, and hung the sign up. Hermione stood guard outside to make sure no one took the cover off. Harry ran inside, and was met with Draco carry Teddy down the stairs.

"Great you're here. Is there anything we missed?" Harry asked as he looked around.

"I don't think so. I think we've done everything. The uncovering of the sign is all we have to do." Draco said. The two walked outside, and stayed with Hermione.

They answered random questions that the people and reporters had. Finally the Weasley family had arrived, and so did Narcissa. Harry and Draco said hello to everyone, and they waited for 10 to come.

The clock finally turned 10, and Harry quieted the grown crowd. He recognized the Daily Prophet reporters, but didn't pay much attention. Draco handed Teddy to Narcissa.

"Thank you for coming today! Today is the opening of our potion ingredients store!" Harry said as he grabbed onto the rope that was connected to the cover. "Now! Behold! The Potter Family Garden Store!" Harry exclaimed as he uncovered the sign. Hermione did a wonderful job. The sign had the name beautifully burned into the wood, in detailed cursive writing. Draco looked at the sign is puzzlement.

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