One last shot

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Chapter 27

Demi's POV

    How? How did I let this happen? She wouldn't talk, wouldn't listen. She was empty, like she had caved into her own shell and refused to come out of hiding. It was hard to see her have such joy with someone then none at all the second something slipped between them. Why'd she have to rely so much on a relationship for happiness?

I sat at the kitchen island playing on my phone that evening as I awaited the headlights of Laura's car to illuminate the house. I did so with nothing on my mind but the moment I found Brandi two days earlier on the floor a mess.

      I Walked down the hall towards my room across from Brandi's until her voice and a sob escaped the solitude of her room causing me to stop and listen silently. Was she okay? I could only stand still, my hand supporting my weight by being pressed against the wall. What if she came out and tried to talk to me and I'm standing here like this? Curiosity held me captive when I heard her voice. "No there's not working this out, you're gonna meet someone new, you're gonna be there for four years And I'm holding you back. I don't want that." Silence then nothing at all but the slamming of a door and what sounded like her falling. Oh god please don't let her be mad at me too if I do this. I pushed away from the wall and crept into her room only to hear her sobs bouncing off the bathroom wall. I sighed and listened for a moment then walked patiently over to the door and let my hand rest on the knob before trying to turn it. It was locked so I grabbed a Bobby pin from my hair and picked the lock then opened the door to a scene I didn't think would be this bad. She was scratching at herself instead of cutting. I was broken by her in this position. The pain of seeing my baby girl like this was excruciating. I knelt down and pulled her head into my lap, prying her hand away from her wrist after I repositioned myself more comfortably and crossed my legs. Blood stained my clothes but I couldn't have cared less. It didn't matter if she cut herself or not, the fact that she wanted to cause harm to herself was enough to bring tears to my eyes underneath the noise of her sobs that were on going. "Shh, shh baby it's gonna be okay." She grew silent. I was surprised she heard me. "No it's not mama." She mumbled as her voice broke. "I'm sorry darling." I leaned in, brushing away the hair damp from the tears and kissed her forehead. "Trust me it'll get easier."
~end of flashback~

Demi's POV
      I trailed into the living room where Brandi sat on the couch watching tv but she looked more like she was immersed in a world outside the window that only existed in her mind. "Brandi." I called. "Brandi?" She didn't hear me. "Brandi!" Shaking her head, her eyes averted to my direction. "Want some dinner?" Silence as she glanced Down at the carpet. Fine then, guess I'll have some fun. I knelt down and crept silently around the back of the couch, snickering to myself quietly. It was silent for minutes before I yelled boo and gripped her shoulders, causing her to jump up, screaming then falling to the floor in a fit of tears. I stood up, concern washing over me as she curled up on her side and lay there. "Brandi?" I asked quieter than before. "GO AWAY YOU BITCH!" I wanted to reach down and comfort her, to sit and cry with her. She looks so depressed, so broken and fragile. I knelt down hoping not to be yelled at again. I laid my hand on her back but she flinched away, hitting my hand then sitting up, glaring at me. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!" Her eyes met mine and tears formed in my own at the sight of my daughter so torn. "GO THE HELL AWAY DEMI!" She stood up when I didn't move and shoved me. "Go." She demanded but I didn't move. I couldn't. I wanted to be there for her. "You never loved me anyways. You're just like everyone else, Demi. You use me then throw me away like I'm some toy to be played with. You're not my mom!" She shoved me again and I backed up, letting my eyes fall to the ground beneath my feet. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "For what?!" She shrugged dramatically, rolling her eyes.... Silence. "FOR WHAT DEMI?!" I shook my head. "For making you feel less than purely loved by me. To cause you to think you're only a toy to me." She sat back on the couch. "You're not my mom and you never will be." And with that, tears fell freely and I found it easy to let that sink in and walk away to the solitude of my room. Was it true? Or was that just the hurt in her heart talking?

Laura's POV
    Minutes felt like days as I sped to Brandi's house. The faster I could get there the less pain she'd feel for no reason. I was done. I dropped everything for her. She was more important and that was it. She was my world and with her broken my view of everything just seemed to shatter with it, like looking through broken glasses. Now I wanted her back in my arms where she belonged. Silence engulfed me and surrounded me to the point all I could hear was the ringing in my ears despite the noise and chaos in my mind. All I could think was I've gotta fix it, gotta make it right and I would. I swear I would no matter what it took. My foot turned to lead and I seemed to accelerate faster than the speed of my thoughts.

You can't outrun us. You can't outrun your doubt.

We're here to stay Laura.

I shook my head as anger and sorrow mixed within me, creating tears that blurred my vision. On the outside I couldn't see but I refused to stop and I guess that's what I get. I hit a hole in the road, jerking the wheel I found the window shattered with my head as I began to roll along with pieces of my car flying through the air around me in a heap of mess. I seemed to flow with the car even without trying until I hit the bottom of the hill and slammed into the side of my door. I hung sideways for minutes trying to push aside the dizziness despite the pain rushing to my head and left arm. Oh god that hurt. I slowly pulled my right hand up and put it in front of my face but all I saw was 3 okay looking fingers and red dripping the other two. My heart rate sped up but instead of keeping me awake all I could do was fall into darkness. I was so close...


What??? A new update? Is that what this is? So there's some drama to make up for two years of being inactive lol. Hope you guys like it and if I'm gonna continue I'll need some comments so tell me what y'all want to happen. I Love you guys so much and thank you for reading!


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